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爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛,俗称波罗的海三国。它们均具有古老文明。书面文字于16世纪开始出现在民族语言当中。三国的历史和文化渊源都在文学中有所体现。地缘和历史沿革十分相似,历史上均曾遭受周边强势民族的多次侵占,平民百姓普遍推崇民族文化和文学。最近半个多世纪以来,波罗的海三国文学进入成熟阶段,各种文体迅速发展,尤以小说发展最快。三国加入欧盟后,它们的文学逐步为外界所熟知。我国对三国文学的介绍并不很多。戈宝权先生在60、70年代从俄文介绍过一些。对于现当代三国的文学情况,我们了解不多。今年5月底,中国作家代表团访问了波罗的海三国,建立了与三国作家友好交流的渠道。借中国与波罗的海三国建交二十周年之际,根据代表团收赠的三国文学作品的英译本和俄译本,我们编选翻译了部分小说和诗歌,刊登在此,以飨读者。 Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, commonly known as the Baltic States. They are all ancient civilizations. Written language began to appear in the national language in the 16th century. The historical and cultural origins of the three countries are all reflected in the literature. Geopolitics and historical evolution are very similar. Historically, they had been repeatedly encroached upon by the strong ethnic groups in the surrounding areas. Common people generally respected national culture and literature. In the recent half a century or more, Baltic Sea literature entered a mature stage, various literary styles developed rapidly, especially the fastest growing novel. After the three countries joined the EU, their literature gradually became known to the outside world. There are not many introduction of the Three Kingdoms literature in our country. Mr. Ge Baoquan introduced some from Russian in the 1960s and 1970s. We do not know much about the literary situation of the present and the present three kingdoms. By the end of May this year, a delegation of Chinese writers visited the Baltic countries and established channels of friendly exchanges with writers of the three countries. On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the Baltic States, we compiled and translated some of the novels and poems according to the English and Russian versions of the literary works of the Three Kingdoms collected by the delegation.
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一、漆器的保管方法 1.用柔软的布或纸张把每个漆器包捆起来,然后再包上一层纸; 2.尽可能装入小木箱,可放一些填料,以防松动; First, the storage of lacquer 1 with a sof
如果法国哲学家笛卡尔是中国人,他的名言“我思故我在”几乎肯定会换成“我吃故我在”。在中国,吃几乎是一种宗教,它深入中国文化的骨髓,以致中国人的问候语都是“吃了吗”。   对于一个像我这样刚学会讲汉语的人来说,如果有人在他赴约吃午饭时问他吃了没有,他会觉得非常不解。而对习惯吃素的印度人来说,这还不是在中国所遭遇的唯一的饮食挑战。中国的饮食文化实在太复杂了,对它的条分缕析有赖于高超的技艺和丰富的知识。
秋风乍起,鲜藕应令上市,邂逅菜场集市,那被摊主洗刷得金灿丰腴的新藕,总会惹人遐想连翩。 藕为多年生草本水生植物莲的地下茎。莲在我国出现极早,柴达木盆地发现一万年前的
早餐吃什么好?按爱好,各取所需,各自安排吧,不必强求一律。 但从营养学看,则至少以够抵偿自己上半天所消耗的能量为准,这是硬规定,不能减缩。 清早,工人上班要劳动,很耗体力