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罪与非罪讲得不清,这是法制宣传报道的常见病之一。人的行为是否构成犯罪,应当根据法律规定的罪名或适用刑事类推原则解释。某报载文说“对于罪该逮捕的现行犯或者嫌疑犯。必须依法逮捕”。这样把《刑事诉讼法》规定的有犯罪嫌疑而未经证实的“重大嫌疑分子”说成“嫌疑犯”,并将其 Unclear sin and non-crime, which is one of the common diseases reported by the legal system. Whether a person’s behavior constitutes a crime shall be explained on the basis of the charges prescribed by law or applicable to the principle of criminal analogy. Some newspaper said that “for the crime of the arrest of the current or suspects must be arrested according to law.” In this way, the “suspected suspects” suspected of being suspected and unconfirmed by the Criminal Procedure Law are described as “suspects” and their
Aim: To investigate methods for identifying specific cyclophilin D (CypD) inhibitors derived from quinoxaline, thus developing possible lead compounds to inhibi
Aim: The spinal cord is pivotal in immobility induced by volatile anesthetics because the anesthetics depress the activity of motor neurons in the spinal cord.T
Aim: To evaluate the potential drug-drug interactions between bifendate and cyclosporine, a substrate of CYP3A4, in relation to different CYP3A4*18B genotype gr
1 病历摘要患者女,67岁。因颈部及胸部出现红斑、结节、斑块伴疼痛2个月于2010年3月1日就诊。患者于2个月前右颈肩部出现条索状红斑、斑块,质地坚硬,伴皮损处刺痛感,随后胸部
Seismic monitoring is one of the most important approaches for ground-based nuclear explosion monitoring. In order to improve the monitoring capability for low