
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijunfengmm
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几十年来日本的赤松和黑松连续发生大量死亡,直到1968年才澄清了树木死亡的原因是由松材线虫(Bursaphelencus xylophilus)所引起的,经实验和观察证实松褐天牛(Monochamus alternatus)是松材线虫的主要媒介。 松褐天牛的生物学 分布 据记载松褐天牛分布于中国大陆及台湾省、老挝、朝鲜和日本。在日本除北海道和本州的最北部外均有分布。Ryuku和Ogassawara岛是在最近随着松树原木而传入的。本州北部为松褐天牛分布北限是由于夏季缺乏天牛生活所需高温,而不是冬季低温的限制。其垂直分布在九州为海拔1050米, For decades, a large number of Japanese red pine and black pine continued to die until it was clarified in 1968 that the cause of the tree death was caused by Bursaphelencus xylophilus. Monochamus alternatus was confirmed by experiments and observations. Pine wood nematode is the main medium. Biological distribution of Monochamus alternatus It is reported that Monochamus alternatus distributes in mainland China, Taiwan, Laos, North Korea and Japan. In Japan, except for the northernmost part of Hokkaido and Honshu. Ryuku and Ogassawara islands were recently introduced with pine logs. The northern limit of the distribution of Monochamus alternatus in the northern part of the state is due to the lack of high temperature needed for the daily life of the beetle in summer, not the winter low temperature. Its vertical distribution in Kyushu is 1050 meters above sea level,
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从哈密瓜上分离到两种引起坏死症状的病毒,称为哈密瓜坏死病毒(HmNV)和哈密瓜叶脉坏死病毒(H-mVNV).两者都能系统感染哈密瓜,响影植株滞长. HmNV可侵染葫芦科、豆科和茄科的1
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我国研究应用病原微生物防治害虫,其中白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)是最多最广泛的一个病原真菌。据统计全国白僵菌的年产量达3,000t 以上,防治面积高的年分达2,000万亩,防治