
来源 :继续教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slhulala
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1998年,总装备部成立,总装部队结构和人员构成发生了很大变化。继续教育工作如何适应新形势、新环境,抓住机遇、迎接挑战?为拓宽发展思路,探求发展良策,2003年新年伊始,总装司令部军训局邀请国家人事部、中国科学院、北京市人事局、清华大学、北京理工大学、中央广播电视大学、中国航天科技集团、中国航天科工集团、中国船舶重工集团、中国核工业集团、中国继续工程教育协会等20多个政府部门和单位的35名有关专家、领导召开了座谈会,围绕“继续教育发展与创新”这一主题展开了热烈的讨论。与会专家、领导对总装成立以来的继续教育工作所取得的成绩和经验给予了充分的肯定,就继续教育的内涵、立法、管理体制、运行机制、内容体系、方法手段、交流合作等问题提出了建议。大家认为,继续教育工作只有有为才能有位,在新的历史条件下,继续教育要有一个跨越式发展,必须在以下几个方面下工夫:一要造势。继续教育管理部门及有关领导要适应继续教育发展的新形势,与时俱进,开拓创新,造就继续教育发展的良好态势。二要借力。要树立广泛合作的理念,政府部门、高等院校、行业协会、工业集团乃至国外教育培训资源要有效整合,借各方之力,推进继续教育的跨越式发展。三要竞争。要从原有的政府、部门、单位办学的思维定势? In 1998, the General Armaments Department was established and the structure and personnel composition of the general assembly unit underwent major changes. Continue to educate how to adapt to the new situation and new environment, seize the opportunity and meet the challenge? To broaden the development of ideas, to explore good ideas for development, beginning of the new year in 2003, the Military Command Bureau of the General Assembly Command invited the Ministry of Personnel, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Personnel Bureau, 35 related to more than 20 government departments and units such as Tsinghua University, Beijing Institute of Technology, China Central Radio and Television University, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, China State Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China National Nuclear Corporation, China Continuing Engineering Education Association Experts and leaders held a forum to discuss the theme of “Continuing Education Development and Innovation”. The participating experts and leaders fully affirmed the achievements and experience gained in the continuing education since the founding of General Assembly and put forward the suggestions on the connotation, legislation, management system, operation mechanism, content system, methods and means of exchange and cooperation of continuing education Suggest. We believe that continuing education can only be accomplished if it has its own advantages. Under the new historical conditions, there must be a leap-forward development in continuing education. We must make efforts in the following aspects: First, we must make a positive impact. Continuing education management departments and relevant leaders should adapt to the new situation of continuing education development, keep pace with the times, blaze new trails and create a good momentum of continuing education. Two to lend strength. To establish a broad concept of cooperation, government departments, institutions of higher learning, trade associations, industrial groups and even foreign education and training resources should be effectively integrated, and by leveraging the strength of all parties to promote leapfrog development in continuing education. Third, we must compete. From the original government, departments, units running school thinking set?