
来源 :档案学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justice
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档案利用工作是一项服务性的工作,它直接与利用者打交道,与各行各业发生联系,是档案工作服务社会的直接体现.如果档案工作者不了解利用者的心理状况,档案工作就很难取得应有的利用效果,发挥出应有的作用.因此,分析和掌握利用者的心理状况,是搞好档案利用工作的需要,具有重要的现实意义.一、档案利用者的心理每个人的日常生活中都有心理活动,档案利用者利用档案自然也会产生出一系列的心理活动.1.需要与动机.当利用者对一些政治、经济、历史、科技、文化等领域的研究发生兴趣,对它们产生进行研究的渴望和欲求时,就会产生利用有关档案资料的需要,通过对档案材料的研究和参考,结合现实经验和情况,对一些政策、路线、方针的实行发表自己的看法,对科技活动与经济效益做出正确的估计,对历史研究有所发现等等,以此来解决实际工作中遇到的问题.2.情绪与意志.随着社会主义各项建设事业的发展,人们对档案的利用越来越重视,利用 The use of files is a service-oriented work, which deals directly with the users and contacts with all walks of life and is the direct manifestation of the work of the file-based services to the community. If the filers do not understand the users’ psychological conditions, the file work is very It is difficult to obtain the proper utilization effect and play its due role.Therefore, analyzing and mastering the user’s psychological condition is the need to do a good job of file utilization and has important practical significance. All have mental activities in their daily life, and archives users will naturally produce a series of psychological activities.1.Requirements and Motivations.When users research on some political, economic, historical, technological, cultural and other fields Interest and the desire and desire to produce their research, there arises the need to make use of the relevant archives and materials. Through the research and reference of archival materials and the combination of realistic experience and circumstances, we can express our opinions on the implementation of some policies, routes and guidelines Views, scientific and technological activities and economic benefits to make the right estimate of the history of the research found that, in order to solve the actual work encountered .2 problems. Emotions and will. With the development of the socialist construction cause, people use more and more attention to the file, use
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