Why Should Literature Be Used in the Language Classroom?

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuzhutoutuo
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  【Abstract】The purpose of this essay is to examine the reasons why literature should be used in the language classroom. It provides a rationale for using literary texts in language classroom. In order to illustrate the rationale, an activity which can be applied to language classroom is devised. It shows us how it works to use literary texts with English language learners.
  【Key words】literary texts; cultural enrichment; language enrichment; personal involvement
  I. Introduction
  As we know, the goal of language teaching is to improve learners’ communicative competence. This seems to tell that teachers should teach learners standard language. While language in literature is not always the same as the language we actually use in daily life. Literary language may contradict the rules of syntax. Alternatively, they may be ambiguous or sophisticated. Then why is it beneficial to use literature in English language teaching classroom? The following reasons have been suggested as a rationale for using literary texts in English language classes.
  II. Advantages of using literature in the language classroom
  2.1 Literature can provide access to the culture of a society in which the target language is spoken.
  Language and culture are tightly linked. Culture, being the basis and source of language, essentially exerts significant effects on the latter (Feng X. , 2014).
  Most language learners cannot go to the foreign country of the target language, as a result, literary works become an indirect way to understand the life in the country of the target language. In a novel or story, the “world” as a background can be experienced by the readers. They can understand people’s lives or the situation of the society in the literary work. Furthermore, readers can also clearly see the characters’ inner world—their feelings and their thoughts, whether they are happy or depressed, kind-hearted or wicked. Through the imagined world in literature, learners can build up a concept of a remote society.
  Carter and Long (1991) also suggest teaching literature in a cultural model. They think that literature, which contains people’s wise thoughts and point of view, is a crystallization of wisdom. It helps learners to understand cultural and ideological differences between foreign culture and their own. The similarities and even differences between cultures and languages can further our understanding of the whole world (Khatib M. , S. Rezaei
【摘要】对于我国目前的教学实际来说,词汇学习越来越重要,它贯穿了整个英语学习的过程,充足的词汇量是顺利进行听、说、读、写、译等语言交流的基础,然而,教师和学生在进行词汇教学中会出现各种问题,这些问题阻碍了学生词汇的学习,以致影响了学生语言综合能力的提高,本文将重点介绍词汇教学的重要性、内容、存在的问题、以及方法,希望可以激发学生学习词汇的兴趣,提高词汇学习能力。  【关键词】词汇教学;教学内容;教
【摘要】英语阅读是大学生英语学习中的重要组成部分,但是由于汉英之间语言和非语言方面的差异,造成大学生在英语阅读中产生跨文化障碍。要提升大学生阅读能力,消除跨文化障碍,高校英语教师要向学生系统讲授英语语言知识,不断拓宽学生英语文化背景知识,并开展多种形式的英语课外活动,促使大学生英语思维模式的形成,逐渐消除英语阅读中的跨文化障碍,提升英语阅读能力。  【关键词】大学生英语;英语阅读;跨文化障碍  【
【摘要】研究与探索是完整的学习理念,中专学生对于学习理念充满热情,对于鲜活的的教学活动比较感兴趣,因此学生在学习中应当在科学合理的基础上找到自己的创造力、自主性,在英語课堂上展示创新、开放的学习环境。  【关键词】中等职业学校;英语教学;探究式学习  【作者简介】王晓艳(1981.11- ),女,汉族,河南郑州人,郑州市商贸管理学校,本科,讲师,研究方向:中等职业教育,英语教学。  前言  当前英
一、研究背景  阅读是人们获取信息最常用的手段,也是英语教学的主要目标技能之一。 《课程课程标准》(2011年版)以学生“能用英语做事情”的描述方式设定各级目标要求,旨在强调培养学生的综合语言运用能力。小学阶段学生英语阅读素养的培养就是发展综合语言运用能力的重要途径,结合小学英语核心素养,可以从语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习能力进行培养。二、研究意义  阅读活动的设计必须以学生为主,契合学生的
【摘要】现如今,中国高等职业院校的教育改革事业发展迅猛。为了顺应这个新的趋势,各高职院校对英语教育事业进行革新和发扬逐渐变得至关紧要。本文通过对我国现今高职院校英语教育现状进行解析,并列举当前高职英语教育工作中存在的问题,制定出这些问题的解决方法和相关对策。  【关键词】高职英语;教学改革  【作者简介】赵莹,呼和浩特职业学院。一、当今社会高职英语教育工作之中的不足之处  1.教材选择滞后。如今高
【摘要】英语教材作为核心资源,是学生学习的有形资源,也是教师教学的基础资源。新版译林英语教材出现了一个新版块Cartoon time,作为第二语言,它为英语教学提供了丰富的语料,内容是学生们熟知的日常实际生活,有趣生动,蕴藏着教育意义和渗透着文化意识。英语教师应充分挖掘教材与语言内容的趣味性,巧设任务,打开学生的话匣子,培养学生的阅读能力和思维能力,从而凸显小学英语教学的工具性和人文性。  【关键
【摘要】抗日英雄的铁骨精魂激励着一代又一代的中国人,象征着中国人民不忘历史、砥砺奋进的民族精神,他们的事迹和精神都是激励我们前行的强大力量。对抗日英雄的事迹进行整理汇编并翻译成英文,有利于爱国主义精神的弘扬与传播,同时还能促进中国优秀文化的对外传播。本文从抗日英雄事迹的文本特点出发,结合翻译实践,针对具体的翻译难点,探究式地选择了一些翻译技巧,以期对此类文本的翻译有所启发和帮助。  【关键词】抗日
【Abstract】In the two complete translations by Yang Hsien-Yi and Gladys Yang and David Hawks and John Minford, charater names are translated with different strategies, which are respectively transliter
【摘要】听力作为高考英语的主要内容,得分情况直接影响到学生高考总成绩。但受到传统教学观念的影响,使得部分英语教师不重视听力教学,不利于英语听力教学质量的提升。文中分析高中英语听力教学存在的问题,并给出针对性解决措施,提升英语听力教学质量。  【关键词】英语听力;教学问题;应对策略  【作者简介】张伟,酉阳第二中学校英语组。  高中英语听力教学要求学生识别听力重要信息,并及时作出判断。这就需要教师重