我院从1995.5~1999.5月,共收治慢性肺心病心衰48例,在综合治疗效果久佳时,加用多巴酚丁胺、酚妥拉明治疗,疗效满意,现报告如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组48例中,男33例,女15例,年龄41~82岁,平均64.7岁。病程10~40年,肺心病史3年以上,反复出现肺部感染及右心心力衰竭。慢性肺心病,均符合1997年全国肺心病诊断标准(除外
In our hospital from 1995.5 ~ 1999.5 months, a total of 48 patients with chronic heart failure and pulmonary heart disease, long-term comprehensive treatment effect, plus dobutamine, phentolamine treatment, the results are satisfactory, are as follows: 1 Clinical data 1.1 General information The group of 48 cases, 33 males and 15 females, aged 41 to 82 years, an average of 64.7 years old. Course of 10 to 40 years, history of pulmonary heart disease more than 3 years, repeated pulmonary infection and right heart failure. Chronic pulmonary heart disease, are in line with the national diagnostic criteria for pulmonary heart disease in 1997 (except