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  Halfway up the steep climb to the top of Jingshan hill, I am overtaken by a 1)wiry 2)octogenarian. The narrow steps do not seem to concern him, neither does the dusty summer heat. In China, you soon get used to elderly people being far more energetic than you. I watch his slim brown legs patter up the steps ahead. Below me, through the cover of 3)cypress trees, Beijing traffic honks and swerves on. If I were to turn around I would probably be able to see it far below, a glittering line. China’s newest Great Wall is one made of traffic, and snakes through most cities in the country.
  I reach the top and make for the temple on the apex of the hill. The crowds are thinner here, and it’s possible to catch your breath and look down on the city. Nobody had advertised this park’s presence. Earlier, when I emerged from the Forbidden City, I dived towards this towering hill to escape the cries of 4)peddlers 5)lying in wait. “6)Rickshaw? Taxi? Good price!”

  Now, on top of the world, the air is clearer and the scream of Beijing’s busy roads and street stalls muted. From the 7)pagoda’s shade, the whole of Beijing falls out from under you and away. Houses and 8)pavilion roofs slope away and the lakes of Beihai Park glitter. Below, the Forbidden City unfolds, its red tiles bright in the heat. Jingshan Park is not the most beautiful green space in Beijing, but it does offer that fascinating Chinese contradiction of old and new.
  A giant man-made construction, using earth excavated from the Forbidden City’s 9)moat in the Ming Dynasty, it speaks to the 10)sheer manpower on which so much of China’s greatness has been built. It is a good place to reflect on the country’s past, and wonder about its future. At the base of the hill, people laze in the Sunday heat. This park is a favourite for couples and elderly people, who play music and practise kuai ban under the trees. Feeling wistful, I have just decided to go and join them when the old man who passed me on the hill 11)sidles up. He smiles slyly. In his arms, I am horrified to see, he clasps a 12)gaudy imperial robe—and is that a ceremonial wig in his hand? “Photo?” he says.“Full emperor gear. Nice view. Good price.”

  景山公园位于故宫(Forbidden City)北面,地处北京城的中轴线(axle wire)上,占地23公顷。南与故宫的神武门(Gate of Godly Prowess)隔街相望,西邻北海公园。景山公园为元、明、清三代的御苑(Royal Court),高42.6米,海拔88.35米,是北京城的最高点。站在山顶可俯视全城,金碧辉煌的古老故宫与现代化的北京城新貌尽收眼底。文中提及的那座寺庙,便是景山东侧的护国忠义庙,别名关帝庙(Guandi Temple),是为了供奉三国时期蜀国的大将关羽而兴建的。
If recollecting were forgetting,  Then I remember not.  And if forgetting, recollecting,  How near I had forgot.  And if to miss, were merry,  And to mourn, were gay,  How very 1)blithe the fingers  T
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