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  Nobody likes waking up in the morning to the nagging, electronic bleep of regular alarm clocks or smartphones, but the smell of just-baked croissants and freshly roasted coffee? Now you’re talking.
  The Sensorwake, currently debuting at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, takes a vastly different approach to getting your attention when it’s time to wake up. Instead of using sound to stir you, the clock uses smell, thanks to the “timed release of an aroma of your choice”.
  The device functions a little bit like a toaster, with reusable scent capsules inserted into a slot along the top edge of the clock. Each capsule lasts for “30 awakenings”, meaning you’ll get about a month out of a scent before you need to replace it.
  Aromas are bundled in packs. There’s a delicious-sounding “Continental Breakfast Pack”, which comes with one Espresso aroma capsule and one hot Croissant capsule. The “Enjoy the Break Pack” includes Seaside (Monoi, tiare flower) and Lush Jungle (cut grass and leaves). There’s also a “Vitalization Aromatherapy Pack”, which offers a chocolate aroma plus invigorating peppermint.
  But do scents work as well as a regular audio alarm in terms of waking you up? While we might hate the sound of conventional alarms, they seem to be jarringly effective for most regular sleepers. Rolland claims that the Sensorwake is just as good as audio alarms, with Internet testing showing his scent-based alarm wakes 99 percent of people in 2 minutes.
Those Latin Americans who can afford one are just as wedded to the car as their counterparts north of the Rio Grande. And thanks to the region’s long boom, more and more have bought vehicles. That is
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