
来源 :机械工厂设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnmaac
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表1中各厂采取的主要措施上海矿山机械厂:主要措施是大搞群众运动,加强生产管理和技术管理。在技术管理方面,他們主要是守好五关,即工艺关、准备关、操作关、材料关和检驗关。在造型方面,他們貫彻三交底,即枝术組向准备組交底、准备組向生产組交底、生产时由生产組长向生产工人交底;三指导,即技术人员深入現場指导、生产組长对生产卫人指导、组织高級工对低級工指导;三检查,即自检、互检、专人抽检。此外,加强生产准备工作,使造型工人的潛力充分发挥;采用典型工艺及新工艺(全部采用水玻璃砂、发热冒口)。上鋼三厂鑄鋼車間:主要措施:(1)通过论虛,克服群众松劲情緒。(2)不断发动群众,开展高产优質竞賽。运动中,不断向群众講形势,抓評比,提出显明的战斗口号和发动群众大搞技术革命。(3)大搞質量运动,提高鑄件質量。(4)改进工艺設計,改进操作方法,增添必要的設备,借以 The main measures taken by each plant in Table 1 Shanghai Mining Machinery Factory: The main measures are to engage in mass movements, strengthen production management and technology management. In terms of technology management, they mainly keep the five hurdles, that is, process off, preparation off, operation off, material off, and inspection off. In terms of styling, they carried out three exchanges, that is, the Zhishu group delivered the preparation team to the bottom, the preparation team delivered the bottom of the production team, and the production team leader delivered the bottom of the production team to the production workers. The three instructions, namely, the technical staff went into the on-site guidance and the production team leader. Guiding the production of guardians, organizing senior workers to guide low-level workers; third inspection, that is, self-inspection, mutual inspection, special personnel sampling. In addition, the preparations for production are strengthened to give full play to the potential of sculpting workers; typical processes and new processes are used (all using water glass sand, hot risers). The steel plant of Shangsan Steel No. 3 Plant: The main measures: (1) Overcome the enthusiasm of the people through discussion. (2) Continuously mobilize the masses to carry out high-yield and quality competitions. During the campaign, we constantly talked about the situation with the masses, arrested and appraised, put forward clear battle slogans, and mobilized the masses to engage in technological revolution. (3) Engage in quality sports and improve the quality of castings. (4) Improve process design, improve operating methods, and add necessary equipment
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在这次会议上大家座談了勘察設計管理工作,并交流了经驗;主要任务是在提高勘察設計質量的基础上改进勘察设计管理工作。今天談三个問題,請大家研究。一 1959年基本建设对設