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近年来,在社会科学的协作配合下,渔业治理取得了长足进步。而“参与治理”和强调管理责任由政府和通常位于基层层面的用户群共同承担的“共同管理制度”在渔业治理工作中尤其受到关注。随着两部借鉴了同一国际项目的著作——一部学术专著和一部应用者指南的出版,我们对渔业治理复杂性的认识向前迈进了一大步。我们需要认清三个彼此独立又相互联系的治理层面:一是日常管理事务的处理;二是制度安排;三是制定可持续发展渔业政策所需的概念、价值、原则和标准的构建。本文笔者的论点是决策制定者将太多精力放在政策过程的最终阶段,而忽视了原则改善,而这些原则恰恰是在面对通常情况下都十分困难的选择时能够做出科学决策的基础。这一领域的许多进步都得益于社会科学遵从的多学科研究方法。 In recent years, with the cooperation of social sciences, great progress has been made in fisheries governance. However, “participation in governance” and “management of the common management system,” which emphasizes that management responsibility is shared by the government and the user groups usually at the grassroots level, are of particular concern in fishery governance. With the publication of two books that drew on the same international project - an academic monograph and an application guide - our knowledge of the complexity of fisheries governance is a big step forward. We need to recognize three separate and interconnected governance levels: one is the handling of daily management issues; the other is institutional arrangements; and the other is the establishment of the concepts, values, principles and standards necessary for the formulation of a sustainable fisheries policy. The author’s argument is that decision makers devote too much effort to the final stages of the policy process, ignoring the principle improvements that are fundamental to making scientific decisions in the face of generally difficult choices . Much of the progress in this area has been attributed to the multidisciplinary approach that social sciences follow.
人教版新教材全日制普通高级中学教科书 (试验修订本·必修 )数学第一册 (下 )增加了“平面向量”教学内容 ,第二册 (上 )“直线和圆的方程”在阅读材料中增加了“向量与直线
我们知道两个向量的数量积为 :a·b =|a|·|b|cosθ,则 |a·b| =|a|·|b|·|cosθ| .又 - 1≤cosθ≤ 1 ,则可得不等关系式 :①a·b≤ |a|·|b| ,② |a·b|≤ |a|·|b| ,③ |
研究证明,海参体内含有50多种对人体生理活动有益的营养成分。本文探究了将海参营养素制成纳米制剂的最佳方案,并对纳米海参营养素对重金属铬离子的吸附作用进行了初步。 St