A modified radiofrequency ablation approach for treating distant lymph node metastasis in two patien

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PIPI16
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Patients with late-stage cancer commonly have distant lymph node metastasis;however,poor health often contraindicates surgical treatment.Although the quality of life and overall survival for these patients are low,there is neither a consensus nor a guide for treatment.Ablation technique and surrounding tissue damage are two possible reasons for limited study of radiofrequency ablation in patients with superficial distant lymph node metastasis.Here,we report two patients treated successfully with ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation for superficial distant lymph node metastasis.In these patients,deionized water was injected to the surrounding tissues of the lymph node to decrease heat injury.Results from these patients suggest that radiofrequency ablation may play an important role in the treatment of patients with distant lymph node metastasis. Patients with late-stage cancer who have distant lymph node metastasis; however, poor health often contraindicates surgical treatment .Although the quality of life and overall survival for these patients are low, there is neither a consensus nor a guide for treatment. Ablation technique and surrounding tissue damage are two possible reasons for limited study of radiofrequency ablation in patients with superficial distant lymph node metastasis. Here, we report two patients treated successfully with ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation for superficial distant lymph node metastasis. These patients, deionized water was injected to the surrounding tissues of the lymph node to decrease heat injury. Results from these patients suggest that radiofrequency ablation may play an important role in the treatment of patients with distant lymph node metastasis.
摘 要 作为修改后的刑诉法所新确立的一项制度之一,附条件不起诉制度体现了对未成年人的特殊保护,是贯彻落实宽严相济政策的体现。本文从附条件不起诉制度中选择考验期内有关规定(考验期制度)作为研究内容,结合司法实践,分别对考验期制度在附条件不起诉制度中的概况、与其他相似制度的比较、可能存在的问题及对策等问题阐述了相关见解。  关键词 附条件 不起诉 考验期制度 缓刑  作者简介:郑国泛,浙江省平阳县人民
识字是阅读的基础,整个小学阶段要求学生的识字总量约为3500个,而低年级就要求认识常用汉字1600~1800个,因此在低年级阶段教师应努力培养学生识字的兴趣,正确引导,使学生乐于识字,学会识字。怎样才能使这些刚上学的学生将这些比较枯燥的字,认得清,记得牢,而且能正确运用呢?在这方面,笔者进行了一定的探索。  汉字分为四类,即象形字、会意字、指事字和形声字。一二年级学生学的字按结构分为两类,一类是独
一、四维的电影与二维的海报以及蒙太奇技术电影是一门年轻的艺术,是依托于人类科技进步而产生的多维的现代媒介技术。 One-dimensional, four-dimensional film and two-di
王文生艺术简历 1963 生于河北省邯郸市 1983 就读于河北师范大学美术系 1986 毕业后留校任教至今 1990 在香港举办“油画三人展” 1991 在香港包氏画廊举办展览 1992在台北小雅画廊举办展览 2000 在意大
[摘 要]为了适应深化改革和快速发展的形势和要求,社会对高职英语课程的教学提出了更高的要求,笔者从高职英语教学的现状出发,在分析高职英语教学问题的基础上,提出了在新形势下提高高职英语教学效果和质量所应该采取的一些对策。  [关键词]高职英语 创造性思维 优化课程    一、高职英语教学现状    教育部2000年颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》规定高职高专英语课程的教学目的是:“
朗读教学是语文教学中对学生进行读写训练不可缺少的组成部分。《新课程标准》中对朗读的总要求是:能用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。在农村中学语文教学中,忽视朗读教学现象比较严重,究其原因,主要有以下几点:  一是認识上的偏差。认为朗读与识字教学是相互联系的,是小学语文教学的主要任务,初中阶段主要是训练学生的分析能力,以应付各类考试,这才是比较现实的做法,朗读教学没有必要。  二是不少教师用家乡“
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