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  【Abstract】“Araby” is James Joyce’s early work.This essay analyzes some images in it,including “blind end”,“central apple tree” and “araby”,to illustrate moral paralysis and epiphany in this short story.
  【Key Words】James Joyce; Araby; moral paralysis; epiphany
  【摘要】阿拉比是 詹姆斯·乔伊斯的早期作品。本文通过分析“死胡同”、“中央的苹果树”和“阿拉比”等意象,阐释小说中凸显的精神瘫痪和灵魂顿悟主题。
  【关键词】詹姆斯·乔伊斯 阿拉比 精神瘫痪 灵魂顿悟
  “Araby” tells a growth story of a boy,who realizes the cruel reality after his dream goes vanish.He gains the epiphany that the whole society are suffered the moral paralysis—people are blind,religious beliefs are deserted and the illusion of the society is doomed to go vanish.
  Many details in the short story indicate the moral paralysis of Irish society.The street where the protagonist lives is “blind” and there is “an uninhabited house” standing at “the blind end” (James Joyce 2168).The whole environment is dark,quiet,depressive and even scaring.All the things are in the “blind end” (Joyce 2168).Nothing can run out of it,of course,including love and dream.Only a priest,who is “very charitable” (Joyce 2169),can give people a little guide.There are some religious books in his room,The Abbot and The Devout Communicant,but the pages are “curled and damp”.“Curled and damp” pages indicate that religious beliefs are totally forgotten by people (Joyce 2169).However,the last shred of light and warmth also disappeared because of the death of the priest.Then,James Joyce mentions that the boy finds a “wild garden” and a “central apple-tree” behind the house.It reminds me of the Garden of Eden and Tree of Wisdom in Bible.Garden of Eden is where God lives,which stands for piety,belief and truth.But the garden is deserted,just like the abandoned spiritual world.What’s noteworthy is the “rusty bicycle-pump” in the garden (Joyce 2169),which is another reflection of the priest.Priest should pump belief,courage and hope into the society but he dies,which is similar to the “rusty bicycle-pump” that is out of use.All the images suggest that people are suffering moral paralysis and belief absence.
  Despite the depressing environment,the boy still decides to pursue his dream.But he suffers the disillusion through knowledge and epiphany.Mangan,charming and brilliant,becomes hope and light in his heart.Her names are like “a summons to all my foolish blood”.When the boy is in prayer,the name of the girl always “spring[s]to his lips” (Joyce 2170).The boy not only loves Mangan,but also adores her.Like Christians’ reverence and owe to Virgin Mary,he reveres the girl.Mangan really wants to go to Araby,“a splendid bazaar”,but she can’t go because of a retreat (Joyce 2170).Araby becomes an imaginary world in his heart.“Araby—the very word connotes the nature of the boy’s confusion.It is a word redolent of the lush East,of distant lands,Levantine riches,romantic entertainments,mysterious magic,‘Grand Oriental Fetes.’ The boy immerses himself in this incense-filled dream world” (Harry 394).However,when he gets there,he finds that his “new world” turns out to be a dark,silent and foppish place—“nearly all the stalls were closed” and only “two men were counting money on a salver and I listened to the fall of the coins” (Joyce 2172).Seeing all this,the boy sees himself as “a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger”.He lacks knowledge of the world he lived before but now the illusion goes vanish and he gets an epiphany.“the epiphanic experience is conceptualized as one of sudden,discontinuous change,leading to profound,positive,and enduring transformation through the reconfiguration of an individual’s most deeply held beliefs about self and world”(Arianna Nicole Jarvis,1).In the pursuit of love,the boy gains a experience of self-knowledge.He knows that this is a paralyzed society and he cannot realize his dream here.
  In Bible,Adam ate the forbidden fruit and gained knowledge because he loves Eve and was cast to the world of reality; James Joyce tells the very similar story to raise the thinking about the moral paralysis and epiphany.
  [1]Arianna Nicole Jarvis,Taking a break:Preliminary investigations into the psychology of epiphanies as discontinuous change experiences(January 1,1996).Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest,
  [2]Joyce,James.“Araby.”Ed.M.H.Abrama.The Northon Anthology of English Literature:Volume 2.New York:W.W.Norton,1986.2168-2172.
  [3]Stone,Harry.“Araby”and the Writings of James Joyce.The Antioch Review25.3 (1965):375.
【摘要】图式理论(schema theory)来源于认知科学,是一种在认知心理学中解释心理过程的理论。随着认知语言学的发展,图式理论得到越来越多的关注,被广泛用于翻译领域的研究。并且随着认知诗学的兴起和发展,作为重要组成部分的图式理论被应用于研究文学文本。本文以图式理论为基础对中国经典诗词原文及译文进行分析,指导翻译实践,以便译出与原文更贴切的文本,更好地传播中国传统文化的精髓。  【关键词】图式
【摘要】素质教育强调学生自主学习能力的形成,突出培养学生形成良好的学习思维和方法。在小学英语课堂教学中,运用思维导图,借助图形技术生成一种放射性思维的表达方式,以直观形象的图示让各个知识之间建立联系,使得枯燥、零碎的信息容易记忆与理解,逐步让学生形成一种学习策略,获得学习效率得提高  【关键词】小学英语 思维导图 自主学习 能力培养  素质教育强调课堂学生应以学生的课堂学习活动为主体,推动学生自主
【摘要】书面表达考验的是初中生的英语综合能力,在初中英语教学中是重点同时也是难点内容。据数据分析,当前我国部分地区初中生英语书面表达情况不容乐观,部分学生不会写作甚至害怕写作。针对这一情况,本文就对初中英语书面表达作业的有效布置进行一些探究。  【关键词】初中英语 书面表达 作业 有效布置  英语是一种语言艺术,同时也是一种全球性的交际工具。初中阶段的学生学好英语可以为其将来的英语发展奠定良好的基
【摘要】同传统的院校教学方式不同,微课是一种更加高效的教学模式,对于激发学生兴趣提高教学质量有着重要的意义。文章先对基于微课的翻转课堂特征进行了简单的概括,又对在院校英语教学模式中使用翻转课堂的策略进行了探讨,并在此基础上对翻转课堂教学模式在院校英语课堂上的应用意义进行了阐述。  【关键词】英语 微课 翻转课堂  一、基于微课的翻转课堂模式特征  1.教师角色方面的特征。在翻转课堂中教师的角色由知
【摘要】为有效提高大学生的英语口语能力,采取有效教学策略是必要的,教学生活化是其中的重要策略之一。本文结合新时期和新形势,就教学生活化与大学生英语口语能力培养提出相应策略,主要包括创设生活化情境、组织口语训练活动、搭建语言学习环境、了解语言文化背景差异等内容。  【关键词】教学生活化 大学生 英语口语能力 培养策略  引言  大学英语教学中,口语教学是非常重要的内容,对提高学生的口语表达技能和知识
【摘要】通过对全国经济现状的分析可知:即使目前中国对外贸易发展状况良好,但是商务英语专业的学生就业形势依然不容乐观。此文章分析了在中国对外经济背景下商务英语人才的就业现状,提出了解决该现状的有效措施,希望能够帮助商务英语专业学生提升其就业能力和综合能力。  【关键词】商务英语 就业能力 培养 策略  一、前言  商务英语是服务于商务交际,以实用性、专业性、目的性为宗旨,具有较强社会功能的英语变体。
【摘要】在社会经济快速发展的过程中,对英语人才的需求量越来越大,这就对英语教育提出了更高的要求。英语教育的关键在于听力教学,听力能力直接影响着学生的交际能力和综合素质。随着英语教育事业的不断发展,传统的听力教学逐渐被摒弃,多模态下听力教学成为一种全新的教学模式,英语教师借助这种教学方式能够显著改善学生的听力学习效果,提升学生的英语交际能力。  【关键词】多模态 大学英语 听力教学 教学模式  一、
【摘要】根据初中生学习特点,从初中英语教学渗透西方文化思想的必要性出发,简要介绍了西方文化元素融入初中英语教学的可行性,并对初中英语教学中渗透西方文化思想的策略进行了详细分析。  【关键词】英语教学 西方文化 解析  英语是世界上最流行的语言之一。一直以来,我国英语教学的重点为语法和笔试能力培养,从而缺少了对英语交际和运用能力的训练。笔者认为改变这一现状,不妨巧用西方文化助力初中英语教学。  一、