,Characteristics and potential analysis of Madagascar hydrocarbon-bearing basins

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Madagascar becomes a large isolated island after its dislocation from East Africa at its weste part during the opening of the Mozambique Channel and its separation from India at its easte part during the opening of the basin of the Mascarene.From a stratigraphic point of view,Karroo of Madagascar shares substantial similarities with the stratigraphic strata of East Africa.While oil companies have taken a liking to the basins of East Africa,they also tu to the basins in the weste part of Madagascar especially after the discovery of large oil fields at Tsimiroro and Bemolanga.According to the study of their geological history,the basins of Madagascar contain huge hydrocarbon potential.The weste basins,which is more developed than the east coast of the island,have been the subject of many in-depth studies by numerous researchers.The cross-referencing of bibliographic data with geological studies,and knowledge of hydrocarbon formation and maturation stages,carried out in this study served to determine the nature of source rocks,reservoir rocks,bedrock and eventual trapping system of hydrocarbons in Madagascar.This study identified the properties of Madagascar source rocks,reservoir rocks,bedrock and the final oil and gas trap system by cross-referencing the literature and geological research,oil and gas formation and maturity stages,and shows that Madagascar has considerable hydrocarbon potential.
目的 探索思维导图教学法在本科护生《医院感染预防与控制》教学的应用策略,促使学生深入理解《医院感染预防与控制》课程的内在联系,提高学习效率,培养学生自主学习能力和思
中图分类号:G807 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2013)07-000-02  摘 要 兴趣是最好的老师,但学生学习兴趣的培养是一个长期性的潜移默化的系统化过程。笔者从学生心理、理论知识、技术动作、技术能力四个方面探索了高职院校游泳课学生兴趣的培养,可供相关专业教师参考。  关键词 高职院校 游泳课 兴趣培养 学生心理 理论知识 技术动作 技术能力  游泳作为对人体有益的体育活动
中图分类号:G807 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2013)07-000-01  摘 要 随着社会经济等各方面的不断发展和社会环境的不断变化,健康也被赋予了更丰富的内涵,健康也不仅仅有一个健康的体魄而且在人的心理上也要有一个良好的生活、工作和学习状态。近年来,学生的心理健康也越来越得到关注,在体育教学中可以有效的促进学生心理健康教育。本文将对体育教学与学生心理健康教育的关系以及体育
目的 探讨某院菌阳肺结核病例临床表现特点,为菌阳肺结核的诊治提供依据.方法 收集某院同期复治菌阴60例和菌阳128例活动性肺结核病例临床资料,并进行回顾性分析.结果 菌阳组
中图分类号:G807 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2013)07-000-02  摘 要 本文研究的是初中体育教学中运动损伤出现的原因及预防措施问题。文章首先简要阐述了初中体育教学中学生运动损伤的概况,认为运动损伤多出现于教学比赛或学生的自主活动过程中,而常见的运动损伤类型为:扭伤、肌肉和韧带拉伤、挫伤。常见的损伤部位为:踝关节、膝关节、腕指关节。常见的引发运动损伤体育运动项目为:
目的 分析罗甸县2003-2016年艾滋病防控与流行状况,了解影响艾滋病流行的主要环节,为采取有针对性的防控措施提供对策.方法 对罗甸县2003-2016年防控艾滋病的有关资料,用SPSS
1.ObjectiveFluid inclusions are the only way to obtain the volatile components in the process of hydrocarbon accumulation.The Marine Paleozoic strata in the Sou