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本文试图结合教学实践,谈谈高考复习中试卷讲评的几点意见。 一、讲清测试目标,掌握知识,形成能力。 高考语文题每年都在变,但加强基础、注重能力的方向不变,依照“大纲”和“说明”中的知识点和能力点命题不变。因此,考前训练必须以知识为依托,以不变应万变。试卷讲评只有讲清考题的测试目标和功能,才能正确指导学生掌握知识,解难补缺,有效地提高高考水平。近年的高考题型已 This article attempts to combine the teaching practice, talk about the college entrance examination review review several points of opinion. First, clarify test objectives, master knowledge, and develop capabilities. The college entrance examination questions are changing every year, but the direction of strengthening the foundation and focusing on the ability remains unchanged, and the propositions in accordance with the points of knowledge and ability in the “Outline” and “Explanation” remain unchanged. Therefore, pre-examination training must be based on knowledge, so that it does not change. Only when the examination objectives and functions of the examination questions are clearly explained in the examination papers can the students be correctly guided to master knowledge, solve problems, and effectively improve the level of college entrance examinations. In recent years, the college entrance examination question has been
学生在解题中,往往会“错看”已知条件而得到错误的结论.本文将介绍几个有趣的例子,如何由错看条件后得到正确的结论. Students in the problem solving, often “wrongly
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碧水丹山迎贵宾,八月盛会结友情。1996年8月2日至5日。参加第二届全国语文教师征文大赛的近80名获奖代表,从祖国各地来到福建武夷山市进行学术交流。 在8月2日举行的开幕式
让学生自编作文集,实质上是再创作的过程,如是取得了好的效果。 为什么要这样做?其一,兴趣是最好的老师。每次作文,学生均埋头认真,“设意修辞,援古证今,极力为之。”想获得
1994年全国初中数学联赛其中一道选择题是:如图所示,半圆O的直径在梯形ABCD的底边AB上,且与其余三边BC、CD、DA相切.若BC=2,DA=3,则AB的长(A)等于4,(B)等 In the 1994 Nati
同学们在小学学习时就已熟悉整数了.这里向同学们介绍几个与整数有关的趣味问题.一、与奇数、偶数有关的问题例1 有若干人参加一次会议,互相认识的人通常握一握手,以示友好.
一、选择题的分类 选择题可分为单纯型(测试目标只有一项)和综合型(测试目标两项以上)两类。从选择题的结构形式看,单纯型选择题又可分为直接式和间接式两种,综合型选择题又