Thermotherapy has an anti-tumor effect. Busch (1866) first reported sarcoma patients who had high fever due to erysipelas. The sarcoma disappeared. Caley (1893) took note of this report and found that repeated injections of hemolytic streptococci into malignant tumors have a role in malignancy. Westermark (1898) reported that high-temperature water washing of cervical cancer is effective. In the 20th century, radiotherapy has been widely used for malignant tumors because it has failed to overcome difficulties and has the possibility of concurrent side effects. In the 1960s, various methods of heating were tried, and they also attracted attention. The biological basis has long been confirmed that malignant tumors are more sensitive to warmth than normal tissues. Lambert (1912) demonstrated that in sarcoma-producing mice, the sarcoma tissue died and the normal tissue remained unchanged at 42-47°C.