After World War II, there was a leap forward in the research work of replenishing some or all of the components of blood with man-made substances, especially for solving the problem of acute bleeding. First developed a variety of can supplement the lack of circulating plasma volume of generation of plasma, which is an important achievement in medical treatment. But the animal’s blood also has a variety of other functions, mainly: the function of red blood cells on the organization to transport and supply oxygen and emit carbon dioxide; white blood cells have the function of swallowing foreign body; platelet hemostatic function; plasma to the tissue delivery of nutrients and excretion of metabolites And a variety of other immune functions. Although man-made substances, which can completely replace these functions of blood, are estimated to be unsustainable in this century. However, in addition to the studies on the organization’s function of increasing blood plasma, oxygen supply and delivery, various countries have made a lot of researches on the less toxic substances. This article only discusses the research of artificial red blood cells.