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  Korean college entrance examination
  主题:韩国高考 体裁:说明文 难度系数:★★★
  The terrible college entrance exam is not only a big challenge for Chinese high school students, but also a very important exam in the lives of South Korean students.
  Although the long, cold winter has already started in South Korea, the annual national exams have made the atmosphere very heated.
  More than 675,000 South Korean high school graduates took the college entrance exam last Wednesday. They usually take exams in Korean, maths, sociology, history and foreign languages.
  Officially there is one college place for every 1.33 students. But because all the students want to go to the top universities in the country, the competition can reach one place for 10 students. The students want to attend these colleges for both their famous names and better job opportunities.
  Because students face fierce competition, they have to study very hard to realize their dreams. Park Seung said he and his classmates often go to school before 7:30 am. After school has finished at 6:30 pm, most of them go to the library to continue their study instead of returning home. Since many libraries in South Korea are open 24 hours a day, they often stay long into the night. Many of the Senior 3 students only sleep for three to-four hours a day.
  The exam day is a very serious day for the whole of South Korea. Vehicles are not allowed within a 200-metre radius (范围) of all the test sites to make sure the students have quiet surroundings. Tooting (吹奏) of horns is forbidden, even airplanes are ordered to avoid landing and take-off near the test sites during listening comprehension test hours.
  Students are told their scores in December before they apply for college. This is followed by face-to-face oral tests. There are public and private universities in South Korea. Many private universities are well-known, but their fees can be 18, 000 yuan each term. This has made a lot of students think again.
  1. Airplanes are not permitted to land near the test sites .
  A. when the test begins
  B. when the test is going on
  C. during some period of the test
  D. during the tests
  2. Before students are allowed to colleges .
  A. they will be interviewed
  B. they will ask questions of colleges
  C. they will not be tested any more
  D. first they will pay all the education fee at all
  1. C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句even airplanes are ordered to avoid landing and take-off near the test sites during listening comprehension test hours可知,在进行听力考试这段时间内,飞机都不得在考场附近起降。   2. A 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句This is followed by face-to face oral tests可知,学校在录取前要进行面试。
  1)college entrance exam大学入学考试,即高考
  2)annual adj. 一年一度的
  3)atmosphere n.气氛,大气
  4)fierce adj. 猛烈的,凶猛的,残忍的,狂热的
  Although the long, cold winter has already started in South Korea, the annual national exams have made the atmosphere very heated.
  这是一个主从复合句,although引导让步状语从句,主句当中的made the atmosphere very heated是一个make+o.+oc的结构,过去分词heated充当宾语补足语。
  A letter to father
  主题:家人与亲情 体裁:应用文 难度系数:★★★★
  Dear Dad,
  Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards.
  They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.
  You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together. I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day but I’ve always been with you in my heart. You know, Dad, there was a time when we were separated by the generation gap. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other.
  The Father-Daughter Duel shifted into high gear (档位) when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the '54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who sent me home, after you reported the Chevy stolen, didn’t have much tolerance for a stub?born 16-year-old, while you were so tolerant about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.
  Our relationship greatly improved when I married a man you liked, and things really turned around when we began making babies right and left. Somewhere along the line, the generation gap disappeared. I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine.
  But the strangest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn’t immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day.   I guess what I’m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today. Honoring a father on Father’s Day is about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking. It’s about loving someone more than words can say, and it’s wishing that never had to end.
  I love you, Dad.
  1. We can learn from the passage that Jenny and her father_________.
  A. kept in touch by writing each other
  B. are separated due to the generation gap
  C. have been getting along very well
  D. had a hard time understanding each other
  2. Jenny wrote his father this letter to _________
  A. tell him about their conflicts
  B. say sorry for her being stubborn
  C. express her gratitude to him
  D. remind him of the early incident
  1. D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后两句You know, Dad, there was a time when we were separated by the generation gap. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other. 并结合全文可以判断,珍妮和父亲曾经有一段时间缺乏相互间的理解。
  2. C 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文是一封女儿写给父亲的信,女儿珍妮在信中表达了对父亲深深的感激和爱。
  occur to 想到,发送
  stubborn adj.顽固的
  fragile adj. 易碎的,脆的,虚弱的
  slap n.掌掴,侮辱,掌掴声
  The police officer who sent me home, after you reported the Chevy stolen, didn’t have much tolerance for a stub?born 16-year-old, while you were so tolerant about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.
  在你报警说那辆雪弗兰被偷后,那位送我回来的警官对我这个固执的16岁孩子已经无法忍受了,但是你却如此有耐心。爸爸,我认为那很可能是我生命当中最糟糕的一个晚上了 。
  这应该是本文中最长的一个句子了,要看懂这个句子,首先要看到句子中间有一个连接词while,while表示对比关系,可以翻译为“然而”,把警察和爸爸的态度进行对比描述。while前面含有一个who引导的定语从句。I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.此句当中that引导了一个宾语从句,what made it the worst night of my life是一个整体充当表语。
  Princess Diary
  The Polar Express
  The Adventures of Tintin
  1. 疯狂闯关背单词
  2. 扇贝新闻
  3. 欧路词典
  4. Voice Tube
  看视频学英语历来是中国学生练听力的必杀技,有看美剧的,有看电影的,有看MV的,还有看各种演讲视频的。不过纯练听力有时候很不靠谱,因为你也不知道自己听对了没有。这时候,Voice Tube就派上用场了。
如果你细心地看一遍中国一流大学所在的地理位置,你会发现一个很有意思的现象:几乎每一个城市里都有一对高校“双子星”。比如清华大学和北京大学、武汉大学和华中科技大学、复旦大学和同济大学……它们一文一理,相得益彰,知名度和实力相差不大。两校的学子也乐于对比,从食堂到校花,从科研能力到学科排名,总喜欢争个高下。这些学校在戏谑与笑声中共同成长,在竞争与比较中不断进步。  下面就让我们来看看这些气质各异的高校
刚开学的第一天,一个学生走进我的办公室,对我说道:“老师,我有‘马加爵心理’。”我心里暗吃一惊,抬头打量起他来。这是一个身高一米七,身材瘦弱的学生,他的头发有些散乱,整个人显得萎靡不振。他刚进门就说出了这样的话,而且语气是如此坚定,可见他有过激烈的思想斗争,终于下定决心来咨询了。  从高一开始,他就明显不适应新的生活环境。一个寝室同学成了他的“老大”,每次上厕所都让他去送厕纸,打饭时也总让他跑腿。
有个虔诚的教徒,他在演说中口口声声说上帝是无所不能的,什么事都做得到。一位路人就问他:“上帝能创造一块连他自己也举不起来的石头吗?”  有A、B、C三个人,已知其中一位是律师,一位是医生,一位是推销员。A比医生的年龄大,B和推销员不同岁,推销员比C的年龄小。请根据以上信息推断A、B、C三人的职业。  一提起逻辑学,很多人就觉得它很难理解、很枯燥乏味,离我们很远。其实,逻辑学并不神秘,它就在我们的身
我不羡慕别人有悲壮的过往,却特别羡慕那些拥有属于自己快乐的人。这样的人大概永远都不会觉得无聊。  麦田稻鹰:  不知道为什么,平时我什么事都没做,却总有人看我不顺眼。我已经表现得与世无争,尽量去对每个人微笑,不跟任何人起矛盾,却还是会有人对我不满,怎么办啊?我不知道怎么做才能融入这个复杂的世界!  浙江 李素  李素:  或许你还不知道,这世上有20%的人,无论你怎么为人处事,他们都会看你不顺眼,
朋友说我很幸运,能够靠写作顺利转行,然后又成为一名心理咨询师,做自己想做的事情,过上自己想过的生活。  我承认自己是幸运的,很多与我一样热爱写作的年轻人没有实现自己的梦想。但这份幸运背后也有默默承担困苦与艰难的努力。  20岁那一年,连续两次高考失败使我陷入极度抑郁的情绪中。在最初的大学生活中,白天我和大家一起上课下课,可是每到夜晚我就陷入失败所带来的痛苦中,失眠一直伴随着我。  后来,我开始去图
那年夏天,当母亲看见成绩单上的分数,眼睛里立刻就冒出火来,我真怕她甩我一个重重的耳光。可是,最后她只是望了我一眼,深深地叹了一口气,便扭过头去。  我们有很多天没有说话,她在气头上,我又不想承认我没有认真学习。两间房,我们各自坚守着自己的立场,谁也没有低头。我成绩好是出了名的,但是不知道为什么,初一下学期,成绩一直往下掉。无论我多么努力都于事无补。八月的某个晚上,她对我说,要不你转学吧。我想了想,
唐小婉回国那天,我去机场接机。三年未见而已,看到她的时候,我还是惊讶得瞪大了眼睛:眼前这个穿着修长连体裤,踩着六厘米高跟鞋的气质美女,任我再相信“女大十八变”,也没办法将她和初中校园里那个女孩联系在一起。  此刻的她,再一次颠覆了我的想象,也让我不得不感叹,时光虽是把杀猪刀,可也是根神奇的魔法棒。积极进取的人,时光从来不会辜负你。  十年前的唐小婉,和我一样,青春寡淡得如同一杯白开水。  踏进高中
一  为什么你要出现在我波澜不惊的生活里?为什么恰好是我幻想中的模样?为什么我们之间偏偏隔着时空的距离?  为什么,你将要离开,还要用一个电话震碎我所有假装出来的镇定?  你笑着说:我走了,你要好好学习。  我停顿许久,像做完一场梦:好,我们会想你的。  大概,对于一个永远无法大义凛然去喜欢的人,在“我”后面加一个“们”字,永远是最聪明的遮掩。  我想,多年之后,我会记得你,然后去喜欢一个恰逢其时
劲锐人物:朱炜,来自凉山彝族自治州的偏远小山村,是当地唯一的大学生,个人自强事迹曾被写入2009年四川省公务员考试《申论》的背景材料,现为西南交通大学党委宣传部新媒体中心主任。  花花世界,让从大山来的我沉沦  我出生在凉山彝族自治州的一个偏远闭塞的小山村,上中学前,我从没接触过任何现代的东西,没看过电视,更没见过汽车,童年的玩具便是大山上的石头和泥土。在这个与世隔绝的地方,10岁至50岁的识字的
环境对人的影响是客观存在的,但是任何环境对人的影响都要通过“自我”才能起作用。如果你的“自我”不清晰,那么你就会随波逐流;如果你的“自我”非常清晰,那你就能“咬定青山不放松,任尔东西南北風”。  身处重点中学(班)的孩子“随波逐流”可能就够了,因为周围的人都是以学习为重的。若处于普通中学(班),你周围的人都不爱学习的话,那你就需要有强大的“自我”,方能笑傲江湖。  且先来看第一步,即寻找属于你的“