千余“滇军”驰援贵州 众志成城力克冰灾

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贵州从1月12日开始,几乎一个月的时间里,摄氏零下四五度的低温,伴随着纷纷扬扬的毛毛细雨,大地罩上了厚厚的覆冰。贵州电网受到冰灾破坏的输电线路共5000多条,600多座变电站停运,全省除主要城市关系到民生的用电还勉强保障外,所有大工业企业全部停工,50个县约1800万人电力供应全停,全省进入大面积一级停电事件应急状态。贵州电网遭受特大覆冰灾害的消息传到北京,党中央、国务院高度重视。中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝亲临贵州电网视察灾情,指导抗灾保电,慰问抗冰抢险救灾一线的电网员工。面对灾害,南方电网公司连夜召开公司应急管理领导小组会议,成立应急抢险领导小组,全网进入应急状态,迅速启动应急预案。南方电网公司董事长袁懋振、总经理赵建国及时赶赴现场,靠前指挥。并发出总动员,要求动员全网力量,按照确保主网安全、确保重点城市供电、确保要害部门用电、确保人民群众生活用电、确保重要用户用电,全力以赴开展抗冰救灾。云南电网公司在昭通等地电网严重受损并组织大量人员抢修的情况下,主动承担责任,按照南方电网公司的统一部署,派遣了上千人的精兵强将援助贵州电网抗冰抢险,一个个钢铁汉子怀着早日为贵州人民全面恢复供电的信念,凭着坚强的意志,以卓越的执行力,承担了大量艰巨的任务,为贵州电网的保供电和抢险修复工作做出了积极的贡献。 Guizhou began January 12, almost a month’s time, temperatures of minus four and five degrees Celsius, accompanied by a raging drizzle, the earth covered with thick icing. Guizhou Power Grid ice damage by damage to a total of more than 5,000 lines of transmission lines, more than 600 substations outage, the province in addition to major cities related to people’s livelihood electricity barely guaranteed, all large industrial enterprises all downtime, 50 counties of about 18 million People power supply stop, the province entered a large area of ​​a power outage emergency. The news that Guizhou Power Grid suffered an icing disaster has spread to Beijing and the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to it. Wen Jiabao, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and Premier Wen Jiabao, visited the power grid in Guizhou to inspect the disaster, instruct the disaster-relief power supply and extend his condolences to the front-line employees of the grid. In the face of disasters, China Southern Power Grid Corporation overnight held a meeting of emergency management leading group to set up emergency rescue leading group, the entire network into a state of emergency, prompt start emergency plan. Yuan Maozhen, chairman of China Southern Power Grid Corporation, Zhao Jianguo, general manager of the scene promptly rushed to the front, command. And issued a general mobilization to mobilize the entire network of power, in accordance with the main network to ensure security, to ensure that key cities power supply to ensure that critical sectors of electricity to ensure electricity consumption of the people to ensure that important users of electricity, go all out to carry out anti-ice disaster relief. Yunnan Power Grid Corporation Zhaotong and other places in the grid severely damaged and organized a large number of personnel repair case, take the initiative to assume responsibility, in accordance with the unified deployment of China Southern Power Grid Company, sent thousands of people to assist the Guizhou power grid Qiangqiangqiang, one by one With the conviction that the people of Guizhou Province will resume power supply to Guizhou Province as soon as possible, Iron Man has taken a great deal of arduous tasks with great will and superior execution ability, making a positive contribution to ensuring power supply and emergency repair of Guizhou Power Grid.
 2000年 3月 17日上晚自习的时候,我在操场上看到了三个光团。我当时很激动,因为它反映给我大脑的信息就是飞碟。   这三个不明飞行物在楼房上空转圈,亮度比较暗,发蓝色光,看起
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