黎锦扬(Lee C.Y.)1916年出生于湖南湘潭晓霞乡。11943年,他从印度辗转至美国,进入哥伦比亚大学念比较文学,因为语言上的困难,一年不到,便转入耶鲁攻读戏剧创作的艺术硕士。他1947年从耶鲁的MFA毕业,学了西方的基本写作技巧。此时耶鲁上演了他的两出戏,也出版了他的两篇独幕剧。2当时的百老汇舞台已钟爱异国风情的题材,但台前幕后都只有白人从业者参与,没有华裔剧作家的发展空间。黎锦扬得到纽约某经纪人的提点,“中国剧本尚无市场,
Lee C.Y. was born in 1916 in Xiaoxiang, Xiangtan, Hunan. In 1193, he moved from India to the United States, entered Columbia University for comparative literature, and in less than a year because of language difficulties, he moved to Yale to pursue a master’s degree in theater. He graduated from MFA in Yale in 1947 and learned the basic western writing skills. Yale staged his two plays at this time, also published his two one-act shows. 2 The Broadway stage at that time had loved exotic subjects, but only white practitioners were involved in the scenes behind the stage. There was no space for the development of Chinese dramatists. Li Jinyang get a broker in New York to mention, ”There is no market for Chinese script,