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  I’d rather it be February. Not that it will matter much to me. Not that I’m a stickler for details, but since you’re asking, February. The month I first became a father, the month my father died. Yes. Better even than November.
  I want it cold. I want the gray to inhabit the air like wood does trees, as an essence, not a coincidence. And the hope for springtime, gardens and romance,1)dulled to a 2)stump by the winter in Michigan.
  Yes, February. With the cold behind you and the cold before you, with the darkness stubborn at the edges of the day. And a wind to make the cold more bitter. So that ever after it might be said that, “it was a sad old day, we did it, after all.”
  And a good 3)frosthold on the ground so that, for nights before it is dug, the 4)sexton will have had to 5)go up and put a fire down, under the hood that fits the space, to soften the topsoil for the 6)backhoe’s toothy 7)bucket.
  8)Wake me. Let those you want to come and look. They have their reasons. You’ll have yours. And if someone says, “Doesn’t he look natural!” take no offense. They’ve got it right. This was always in my nature. It’s in yours.
  And have the 9)clergy take their part in it. Let them 10)take their best shot. If they’re ever going to make sense to you, now’s the time. They’re looking, same as the rest of us. The questions are more instructive than the answers. Be wary of anyone who knows what to say.
  As for music, suit yourselves. I’ll be out of earshot, stone deaf. A lot can be said for pipers and 11)tin whistlers. But consider the difference between a funeral with a few tunes and a concert with a corpse down front. Avoid, for your own sakes, anything you’ve heard in the dentist’s office or the 12)roller rink.
  Poems might be said. I have had friends who were poets. Mind you they tend to go on a bit. Especially around horizontal bodies. Sex and death are their principle studies. It is here where the services of an experienced undertaker are most appreciated. Accustomed to being
  13)personae non grata, they’ll act the worthy editor and tell the 14)bards when it’s time to put a 15)sock in it.
  On the subject of money: you get what you pay for. Deal with someone whose instincts you trust. If someone tells you you haven’t spent enough, tell them to 16)go piss up a rope. Tell the same thing to anyone who says you’ve spent too much, tell them to piss up a rope too. It’s your money. Do what you want with it. But let me make one thing perfectly clear. You know the type who’s always saying, “When I’m dead, save your money, spend it on something really useful and do me cheaply”? I’m not one of them. Never was. I’ve always thought that funerals were useful. So do what suits you. It’s yours to do. You’re entitled to wholesale on most of it.
  As for guilt—it’s much overrated. Here are the facts in the case at hand: I’ve known the love of the ones who have loved me. And I’ve known they’ve known I love them too. Every-thing else in the end seems irrelevant. But if guilt is the thing, forgive yourself, forgive me. And, if a little upgrade in the 17)pomp and circumstance makes you feel better, consider it money wisely spent. Compared to 18)shrinks and 19)pharmaceuticals, bartenders or 20)homeopaths, geographical or 21)ecclesiastical cures, even the priciest funeral is a bargain.
  I want a mess made in the snow so that the earth looks wounded, forced open, an unwilling participant. Forego the tent. Stand openly to the weather. Get the larger equipment out of sight. It’s a distraction. But have the sexton all dirt and indifference, remain at hand. He and the 22)hearse driver can talk of poker or trade jokes in whispers and straight-faced, while the clergy tend their final commendations. Those who lean on shovels and fill holes, like those who lean on custom and old prayers, are, each of them, experts in the one field.
  And you should see it until the very end. Avoid the temptation of tidy 23)leavetaking in a room, a cemetery 24)chapel, the foot of an altar. None of that. Don’t dodge it because of the weather. We’ve fished and watched football in worse conditions. It won’t take long. Go to the hole in the ground. Stand over it. Look into it. Wonder and be cold. But stay until it’s over. Until it’s done.
  After the words are finished, lower it. Leave the ropes. Toss the gray gloves in on top. Push the dirt in and be done. Watch each other’s ankles. Stamp your feet in the cold, let your heads sink between your shoulders, keep looking down. That’s where what is happening is happening. And when you’re done, look up and leave. But not until you’re done.
  So if you opt for burning, stand and watch. If you cannot watch it, maybe you should reconsider. Stand in earshot of the sizzle and the pop. Try to get a 25)whiff of the goings on. Warm your hands to the fire. This might be a good time for a song. Bury the ashes, the cinders, and bones. The bits of the box that did not burn.
  They used to have this year of mourning. Folks wore armbands, black clothes, played no music in the house. Black wreaths were hung at the front doors. The damaged were identified. For a full year you were allowed your grief—the dreams and sleeplessness, the sadness, and the rage. The weeping and giggling in all the wrong places. The catch in your breath at the sound of the name. After a year you would be back to normal. “Time heals” is what was said to explain this. If not, of course, you were pronounced some version of crazy and in need of professional help.
  Whatever’s there to feel, feel it—the riddance, the relief, the fright and freedom, the fear of forgetting, the dull ache of your own mortality. Go home in pairs. Warm to the flesh that warms you still. Get with someone you can trust with tears and anger, wonderment and utter silence. Get that part done—the sooner, the better. The only way around these things is through them.
  I know I shouldn’t be going on like this.
  I’ve had this problem all my life. Directing funerals.
  It’s yours to do—my funeral—not mine. The death is yours to live with once I’m dead.
  So, here is a coupon good for Disregard. And here is another marked My Approval. Ignore with my blessings whatever I have said beyond Love One Another.
  Live Forever.
  All I really wanted was a witness. To say I was. To say, 26)daft as it still sounds, maybe I am.
  To say, if they ask you, it was a sad day after all. It was a cold, gray day.
  Of course any other month you’re on your own. Have no fear—you’ll know what to do. Go now, I think you are ready.




  所以,给你个免死金牌,上书 “不用理会”。再一个是“我同意”。除了那句“互爱”,我说过的其他话你大可不管。
纯洁、缠绵的初恋,对每一个人来说都是非常难忘的。有关初恋的故事,记忆最深刻的当属风靡一时的韩剧《冬季恋歌》。这部韩剧之所以吸引人,首先源于它有不少如梦如幻的冬日雪景——男女主角在雪地嬉戏玩耍的画面尤其浪漫温馨。其次,它探讨了爱与记忆的关系。尽管随着时间的流逝,记忆会一点一点消退,但是真爱是永远不会褪色的,相反,它会在时间的冲刷下逐渐积淀,最后变成永恒!  ——Maisie
诗歌赏析:    这首《My Papa’s Waltz》曾经引起很大的争议,不少人认为是写酗酒的父亲虐待年幼的孩子。其实这首诗是作者上大学时为了纪念刚刚去吐的父亲写的。诗歌回忆儿时与喝到微醺的父亲翩然起舞的往事,洋溢着孺幕情怀,这份亲情比酒更香甜醉人,从儿时的记忆一直蔓延到成长过程中的每一次回忆的场景。  原文韵式是ABAB,主要是采用了抑扬三步格,使整首诗读上去就像一首华尔兹。
乐在其中 译    The old saying is that you cannot go home again.   I think one can always go home as long as one does not expect the places and people one left behind to stay the same. Things change. People
6月9日,主办国德国与哥斯达黎加上演的揭幕战将揭开2006年世界杯足球赛的序幕。在头两个星期的时间里,每天都有三场比赛,打进这项世界足坛顶级赛事的32个国家和地区为跻身16强展开厮杀。过去三年,全球100多个国家和地区为能在这次决赛周中亮相而进行了殊死拼搏的外围赛。  接下来的这段时间里,全球数十亿人将会日夜守候在电视机前,数百万球迷的工作时间将会被世界杯打乱。胜负将会影响参赛国的民族士气,尤其是
见证了纳粹德国走向灭亡的地堡第一次向游人开放了。  多年以来,德国政府一直把希特勒这个藏身的地堡当做国家机密,拒绝向外界开放。现在,它已经正式成为了一个旅游景点。
“别担心,”我对老师说,  “我能读懂唇语。”  “哦,真的吗?”她惊讶地问道。  “是的,”我说。为了让她明白我真的懂唇语,我用手指指着她的嘴唇,如同老师平时用手指指着黑板上的单词一样,一边指,一边严肃地说:“很久很久以前……”  一直以来,我都热衷于读唇语。我是如此痴迷于读唇语,以致于我不仅能读懂唇语;对于我,你的整张脸就是一本打开的书。你的肢体语言和动作手势为我描绘生动的图画。你甚至还没开口
记得念初中的时候学过魏巍的《谁是最可爱的人》这篇课文,赞颂的就是士兵。他们身上担负着保卫国家的使命,同时,作为一个凡人,他们也有血有肉有细腻的情感,他们有自己的家庭,他们也害怕在战争中死去,害怕再也见不到他们的亲人和密友。战争是残酷的,妻离子散,家破人亡的惨境太不堪,让我们祈祷和平,祈祷世间不再有战争,不再有欺凌,不再有伤害。  ——Lavender
A yellow circle, embellished with black eyes and a smile stretching from ear to ear, Mr. Smile is a 1)paragon of optimism and 2)good humor. Before this little fellow became the fetish of 3)house music
Black beret sporting a star, black hair and black beard, handsome features 1)set in defiance, eyes staring out at the faraway horizon…In March 1960 Alberto Korda’s lens captured this classic portrait