How to train and improve listening ability

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  China’s development encourages most people to learn English. English is used as an international language. To meet the growing needs of China’s economic boom and the practical needs in the use of English, new methods, approaches and techniques have been tried to improve teaching and learning. This paper is focusing on how to train and improve students’ listening ability and how to create a warm and friendly environment for language learning so that language teaching and learning process will be more active and more effective.
  1.Some problems from listening
  Firstly, most students have so many subjects to study and so much homework to do that they can’t spare enough time to practice listening. Most of them only do listening practice in class, not after class. They spend their most time at school, so they have little time and few chances to listen to English on the radio and watch English TV programs. Secondly, some students, especially those from the countryside who belong to poor families can’t afford recorders and cassettes, so they can’t practice their listening after class. Thirdly, when the listening materials are easy, they’re interested; when they find the listening materials difficult to understand, they lose their interest. What’s worse, some of them lose interest in English. Fourthly, knowledge obstacles. Some students haven’t a good knowledge of grammar or English phonetics; they are not familiar with some words and expressions. They have lacked the cultural background knowledge of English-spoken countries. All of these can stop them from understanding English correctly and easily in listening. Fifthly, no-knowledge obstacles. Teaching equipment, English environment, teaching atmosphere, students’feelings, Listening skills and so on.
  2. Some methods about listening
  (1) Listen and imitate
  Lots of psychological researchers show that children are good at imitation, especially in pronunciation, intonation, actions and habits, incomplete plosion, consonant cluster. At the beginning of listening practice, they must focus on transcription, letters, words and numbers that have the similar pronunciation, such as / i:/ /i/, / ? / /a:/, /e/ / ? / , /au/ /?:/, /s/ /z/, /n/ /l/; news/know, straight/street, present/parent, light/night, vest/west… and numbers 17/70, 1990/1919, 7:30/7:13…etc.
  (2) Listen and answer
  The students had better listen to sentences, dialogues or passages, then answer questions. When they listen, they must focus on the important points according to the different interrogatives. When the interrogative pronoun is “who,” pay attention to the material about “persons;” when the interrogative adverb is “when” or “what time,” listen to the words and phrases about “time;” when the interrogative adverb is “where,” listen to the words and phrases about “ places”. At the same time, they should pay attention to intonation, mood, accent and pause. They should understand not only the literal meaning but also the inferential meaning of the sentences, dialogues or passages.   (3) Listen and write silently
  Dictation is a good training way, we may dictate some words, sentences, passages, fill in the form or blanks. Students finish different kinds of exercises while listening, it means aural-cloze. At the same time, pay attention to improve students’listening and memorizing. When they listen for the first time, they may write down the first letter of every word, then complete the words and sentences after they listen for the second or third time.
  (4) Listen and retell
  After listening to the tape, the students are asked to retell what they hear or retell from their notes that they have written down. For example, after studying the text, provide students with some key words or helpful means of teaching, such as pictures, power point and guesture. Then ask students to try to retell the main idea of the text.
  (5) Listen and tell true or false
  Prepare the questions of a dialogue or a passage. As the students listen to the tape, they’d better fill in T or F so that the teacher can understand their comprehension in listening.
  3. Some techniques about listening
  (1) Read the questions quickly before listening so as to know the important and difficult points. It can provide students with the right direction and make a right choice.
  (2) Pay attention to the sentences after”however”, “but”…ect. While listening to the passage, we must grasp the meaning of the first sentences, for it is very important for students to understand the whole passage.
  (3) Make notes while listening. Write down address, date, age, price, number and the other information.
  (4) We always listen to the tape in order. If we can’t understand it or answer a question clearly, don’t waste time in thinking about it, give it up and go on with the other listening exercises.
  In a word, students can improve their listening after lots of listening practices.
《联合国气候变化框架公约》于2009年12月7日—18日在丹麦首都哥本哈根召开,这是一次被喻为“拯救人类的最后一次机会”的会议,气候科学家们表示全球必须停止增加温室气体排放,并且在2015到2020年间开始减少排放。科学家们预计想要防止全球平均气温再上升2℃,到2050年,全球的温室气体减排量需达到1990年水平的80%。  随着社会主义现代化建设的不断发展,环境保护作为我国的一项基本国策已越来越
【摘 要】本文主要结合课程资源开发的实践过程,从课程结构、教师教学方法、学生学习方法三方面来探索美术课程资源对促进高中美术课堂有效教学提高课堂实效的作用。  【关键词】美术课程资源;课程结构;教学方法;学习方法;有效教学  高中美术教学发展到今天,不乏诸多有符合素质教育要求,勇于改革和创新,既讲知识又重培养能力,既重欣赏又重技能,既能注重学生全体发展又能注重个性发展的优质美术课,但也不可避免的仍然
【摘 要】语文学科是基础学科,也是母语学科,它将传承着祖国上下几千年的文化瑰宝,可长期以来,学生对语文学习的兴趣为何如此低沉?本文就是就这个问题进行探索的。  【关键词】语文;兴趣;调查;反思  四月中旬,我对大塘中学十二个班级的学习委员进行了调查,问及他们最感兴趣的科目和最不感兴趣的科目。结果在最感兴趣的科目中无一人回答是语文,而在最不感兴趣的科目中竟有12人回答是语文。  虽然我也都知道语文这
摘 要:当前,语文课堂教学尚存在许多不足,比较突出的是不少语文教师不能很自如地驾驭课堂教学流程,教学无层次、无重点、无深度;教学目标的确定、教学问题的设计、教学时间的分配不合理、不科学;教学策略及教学方式、方法的选择与运用不恰当等现象屡有发生。要解决这些问题,真正实施高效课堂教学,应努力做到:教学目标要明确,教学内容要适度,教学思路要清晰,教学手段要科学,课堂提问要精炼,评价方式要科学。  关
在当班主任20多年的生涯中,每新接一个班,往往会做一个问卷调查,调查可以大致了解学生的基本情况,对学生的各种情况做到心中有数,便于发现人才,组织临时班委会,发现体育、文艺苗子、特长生等等,对学生的性格特点有了大致的了解,便于用他容易接受的方式批评教育,对于特殊生也能及早发现,避免酿成大错。但2010年接的这个班却让我的经验发生了颠覆,引起了我内心久久地不安。  这一周给学生布置的周记内容是:  让
【摘 要】以教师为中心的传统课堂教学,已经远远不能适应课程改革的需要,相反,它还具有极大的危害性,具体表现在以下几个方面:其一,让学生感受不到学习的快乐,异化了学生的学习动机,并且扭曲了学生的个性;其二,压抑并取消了学生的主动性,学生没有时间也没必要思考,教学成为不能发展学生智力的教学;其三、禁锢并窒息了学生的创造性与想象力,由于没有给学生足够参与的机会,使得所学知识停留在外在的、呆滞的惰性的水平
有人曾说过:学习任何知识的最佳途径是由学生自己去发现。只有让学生参与到教学活动中并成为真正的教学主体,才能使课堂教学成为一系列学生主体性活动的展开与整合的过程,在这个过程中既可以让学生学到知识和技能,又可以让学生体验探究的乐趣,同时培养学生初步的探究能力。  那么,如何吸引学生进行物理探究呢?通过多年的教学实践,我发现:学生身边的物理现象特别能激发学生强烈的探究兴趣和学习激情,而浓厚的兴趣能激励人