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单侧眼球突出是一个临床症状,引起单眼突出的原因比较复杂。近几年,我院收治单侧眼球突出14例,现报告如下。一、临床资料本组男女各7例,年龄10个月至64岁。发病最短7天,最长13年。眼球突出(与健眼比)2~5mm。引起的原因均为肿瘤,其中筛窦的粘液囊肿2例,鳞癌及腺泡细胞癌各1例,眼眶内的畸胎瘤3例,血管瘤1例,上颌窦囊肿和眶上裂神经鞘瘤各2例,眼鳞状上皮癌和视网膜母细胞瘤各1例。 Unilateral eyeball protrusion is a clinical symptom, causing the cause of monocular prominence is more complicated. In recent years, our hospital admitted to unilateral eye highlight 14 cases, are as follows. First, the clinical data of the group of 7 men and women, aged 10 months to 64 years. The shortest onset of 7 days, up to 13 years. Prominent eye (and eye health ratio) 2 ~ 5mm. The causes were all tumor, including 2 cases of mucous cyst of ethmoid sinus, 1 case of squamous cell carcinoma and acinar cell carcinoma, 3 cases of orbital teratoma, 1 case of hemangioma, maxillary sinus cyst and supraorbital fissure sheath 2 in each tumor, 1 in each of squamous cell carcinoma and retinoblastoma.
Four new oleanane triterpene saponins were isolated and purified from the whole plant of Clinopodium urticifolium. They were 3B 16B, 23, 28-tetrahydroxyoleana-
The rate of formation of aldol condensation products by being ground acetylferrocene and various aromatic aldehydes without solvent was dramatically enhanced co
自1968年凯恩斯(Calrns)首创小梁切除术以来,国内外相继有不少报道,并认为这是较好的治疗青光眼的手术之一,所以很快 Since the pioneering trabeculectomy of Calrns in 1
分析了现有确定填充原子轨道方法的局限性,提出了用n+0.9l代替n+0.7l来确定原子轨道中电子填充的先后次序,举例说明了n+0.9l具有更为广泛的适应性(Z≥120)。 The existing l
十九岁的窦靖童第一张原创专辑《Stone Cafe》出来了,基本上不用做任何宣传,王菲与窦唯的粉丝立马奔走相告,分分钟就窜上了人气排行榜第一位,前两年出单曲牛刀小试,就让很多