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党的十四届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标的建议》是一篇宏伟的跨世纪的中长期计划,意义十分重大.《建议》和过去八个五年计划相比,和历来形势比较,有显著不同特点:1.第一次搞中长期计划.过去都是制订五年计划,最长的有一个1956—1967年12年发展纲要.这次是长达15年.既要有高瞻远瞩的科学预见性,又要有科学实践的可行性.没有雄伟气魄不行,没有扎扎实实的科学依据也不行.总结过去制订五年计划的宝贵经验,提出奋斗任务和目标,既要能达到,又要经过艰苦努力.跨世纪的重大项目:如长江三峡工程,五六十年代早就提出来过,现在经过全国人大多次反复讨论确定,既考虑长远.也考虑当前情况,由下而上,由上而下多次充分发动群众,酝酿讨论才制订.中央和地方关系要发展两个积极性,对地区生产力布局,这个省、市、自治区,有偏重工业、农业,也有稍侧重商业,对内贸、外贸也有不同侧重的.对调整产业结构,普遍要加强第三产业,加强.公路、铁路、航空、通讯,第一产业、第二产业也要相应调整.2.这次搞中长期计划,把1996—2000年“九五”计划和1996—2010年远景目标,5年和15年结合起来.过去从未有过,又恰逢20世纪和21世纪之交,又是我国伟大战略部署第二步和第三步相交,要完? The “Proposal of the Ninth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Ninth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Vision for 2010” passed by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party is a grand mid-term and long-term plan for the entire new century and is of great significance. “ The Proposal ”Compared with the past eight five-year plans, there are notable differences between the past and the historical situation: 1. For the first time, the medium- and long-term plan is adopted. In the past, the five-year plan was formulated with the longest one being 1956-1967 Year development program. This is up to 15 years. It is necessary to have forward-looking scientific predictability, but also the feasibility of scientific practice. No majestic style does not work, there is no solid scientific basis nor. Planning valuable experience, put forward the task and goal of struggle, we must be able to achieve, but also through hard work .Cross centuryThe major projects: such as the Three Gorges Project, the fifties and sixties has been raised before, and now after the NPC repeated many times Discuss and confirm, both consider the long-term. Also consider the current situation, from bottom to top, from top to bottom and mobilize the masses on many occasions, brewing discussion was formulated .To develop the relationship between the central and local governments, two positive, the layout of the regional productivity, which In order to readjust the industrial structure, it is necessary to strengthen the tertiary industry in general and to step up efforts in strengthening the tertiary industry and strengthening the quality control of highways, railways, aviation, telecommunications, The primary industry and the secondary industry should also be adjusted accordingly.2 This long-term medium-term plan integrates the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” for 1996-2000 with the long-term goal for 1996-2010, five years and 15 years. There have been, but also coincide with the turn of the 20th century and the 21st century, but also the second and third step of the great strategic deployment of our country intersect, to be completed?
摘 要: “创先争优”是在全体党员中开展“创建先进基层党组织、争做优秀共产党员”活动,本文就创先争优活动中领导授权这一问题是什么、为什么、怎么做三方面作研究和探讨。  关键词: 创先争优活动 领导授权 必要性 做法    在党的基层组织和党员中深入开展创先争优活动,是党的十七届四中全会提出的重要任务,我们应该深刻认识创先争优是党的建设一项重要工作,具有长远意义。在创先争优活动中,领导者要充分发挥先
摘 要: 普通高中美术新课改教育实施以来,在教学内容的五大系列九个模块中,除美术欣赏内容外,绘画模块是最容易被开设的内容之一,而绘画模块中具体实施内容的定向与选择,就显得尤为重要。作者就此略作论述。  关键词: 高中美术课程 绘画模块 实施内容 定向选择    自普通高中美术新课改实施以来,在教学内容的五大系列九个模块中,除美术欣赏内容外,绘画模块是最容易被开设的内容之一,不同学校,要想使绘画模块
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