Anhui 9015 is a new type of light-sensitive male sterile line discovered and bred by Crop Research Institute of Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The material showed all-sterility under the condition of short day and low temperature in Hefei (N31 ° 51 °), and was normally fertile under long-day warm conditions. In the normal temperature range of wheat development, the process of fertility conversion takes place with the change of photoperiod, and the photoperiod affects the fertility much more than the temperature. Compared with other types of male-sterile materials, Anhui 901S could be more easily maintained by inbreeding under long-day conditions and its fertility was stable under short-day conditions. The male abortion was complete and could be recovered for most common wheat varieties. Anhui 901S two-line hybrid F1 generation obvious advantages, its breeding into wheat heterosis utilization opened up a new way.