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  【摘要】 目的 ①运用SF-36量表评估几内亚大学生的生活质量;②探讨几内亚大学生生活质量的影响因素。方法 从2013年4月1日至2013年6月1日开展横断面研究。运用多阶段分层随机抽样在纳赛尔大学(科纳克里)获得样本。测量工具由两部分组成:自行设计的社会人口学资料调查问卷和法语版本的SF-36量表[10]。运用线性回归分析生活质量的主要影响因素。采用SPSS18.0完成统计分析。结果 本次研究共调查了400名学生,收回有效问卷381份。学生年龄在17-28(22.78±2.07)岁之间,男性占68%,单身占90.6%。生活质量调查表8个维度的平均得分分别为PF:73.0,RP:51.7,BP:69.5,GH:58.8,VT:50.2,SF:69.5,RE:50.6,MH:62.6。本研究发现,对于PF和MH两个维度,男生得分高于女生;有学习压力的同学在BP、RE和GH三个维度得分较低,另外,居住地区对于大学生生活质量的影响也具有统计学意义。结论 大学生生活质量有待提高。几内亚大学生生活质量的主要影响因素包括:年龄、性别、专业、年级、居住地区、兼职类型、睡眠时间以及学习压力。
  【关键词】 生活质量;SF-36;大学生;几内亚
  【Abstract】Objectives The aims of this study were:1.to assess the college students’ quality of life(QOL)in Guinea using SF-36 questionnaire;2.To explore its predicting factors.Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted from April 1st to June 1st,2013.Multiple stratified random sampling methods were used to get the sample in Gamal Abdel Nasser University in Conakry(Guinea).Measurement in the research was composed by two parts:a demographic information questionnaire made by us and the French language version of the MOS 36-Item Short Form Health Survey(SF-36)[10].The relationship between QOL and the possible predicting factors was examined using linear regression analysis.Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS 18.0.Results A total of 400 students were recruited in the research,and 381 valid questionnaires were collected.Students aged between 17 and 28 years(22.78 ± 2.07);the majority was men(68%)and single(90.6%).The mean score of QOL were 73.0,51.7,69.5,58.8,50.2,69.5,50.6 and 62.6 respectively in the PF,RP,BP,GH,VT,SF,RE,and MH domains.In the study,male students scored higher than female students in PF and MH domains.Older students reported higher score in VT domain.Students with study pressure reported lower score in BP,RE and GH domains.Students studying in medical sciences had lower scores than students in computer sciences in BP,GH and VT domains.Also,the residence area was a statistical significant predictor on college students’ QOL.Conclusion The QOL of college students need to be improved.Main predicting factors of college students’ QOL in Republic of Guinea include age,gender,type of faculty,study grade,area,part-time job,sleeping time and the pressure of study.
  【Keywords】 Quality of life;SF-36;College students;University,Guinea.
  QOL is defined by the WHO as ”an individual’s perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live,and in relation to their goals,expectations,standards and concerns” [1].Health is defined as “a state of complete physical,mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”.It is an important factor for academic achievement at school,and in higher education[2].   Several studies have demonstrated the importance of QOL assessment among different groups of people,including university students.University life,where major life transition occurs,has often been recognized as a stressful period in one’s life that can result in lowered levels of QOL[3].
  The transition from high school to college presents many challenges[4].The university students are subjected to different kinds of stressors,such as academic pressures,social issues and financial problems[5].Their health habits are a special concern,since they represent a major segment of the young population and they are at a stage of their lives during which important lifestyle modifications take place.If these changes become fixed routines,they are likely to determine the person’s future health[6].
  The QOL is culture depended.QOL among university students has never been assessed in Guinea,despite the fact that it’s measuring enables researchers and policy makers to perceive trends in the student well-being,to evaluate the remote effects of education process,health and social policies,and to determine allocation of resources.Also,there is no pre-information about the predicting factors in Guinea.
  Thus,the current study aims to:1)assess the quality of life(QOL)of college students in Guinea using SF-36 questionnaire,and 2)explore its predicting factors.After that,recommendation could be made to establish an evidence-based decision-making for the implementation of health promotion structure in university setting in Guinea.
  2.1 Data Collection This cross-sectional survey was conducted at Gamal Abdel Nasser University in Conakry from April 1st to June 1st 2013,using a multiple stratified random sampling method [7].
  2.2 Instruments Two instruments were used for data collection:(1)a sociodemographic questionnaire to obtain information about students’ age,gender,grade,marital status,and their parents’(father and mother)education level,occupation and monthly income;and(2)a French version of the MOS 36-Item Short Form Health Survey(SF-36).
  The SF-36 is a well-known generic QOL that has been developed in the United State of America and translated into a variety of languages [8].The SF-36 addresses both physical and emotional health states and provides validated scores indicating health variations in eight domains:physical functioning(PF),role physical(RP),bodily pain(BP),general health perception(GH),vitality(VT),social functioning(SF),role emotional(RE),and mental health(MH).There is in addition a single-item measure of Health Transition(HT).Each domain is scored from 0to 100,with a higher score indicating better function [9].The convergent and discriminant validity of French version of SF-36 is 100% and 97.9% respectively,and the reliability index of PF,RP,BP,GH,VT,SF,RE and MH are 0.92,0.84,0.78,0.77,0.81,0.77,0.76 and 0.86 respectively,ranged from 0.76 to 0.92 [10].   This study was approved by the ethics committee of Central South University.Students who decide to participate were also informed that the information collected would be anonymous.Participants were required to complete the questionnaire by self-administration.
  2.3 Statistical Analysis The Chi-square statistics(x2)were performed for demographic dimensions.Linear regression analysis was also performed to analyze the combined effect of predictors(independent variables)on SF-36 dimensions(dependent variables).The Statistical Package for Social Science(SPSS)version 18.0 was used in the analysis of the data.All tests of significance were two-tailed.P ≤ 0.05 was taken as the critical level of significance.
  A sample of 400 undergraduate students was recruited.A total of 381 self-reported valid questionnaires were returned,that is 95.25% valid response rate.
  3.1 Socio-demographic Characteristics The basic socio-demographics characteristics of participants stratified by gender are presented in Table 1.The participants’ age was between 17 and 28 years,with the mean equal to 22.78(SD = 2.07).
  3.2 QOL In the study,all of the respondents have correctly completed the questionnaire concerning QOL measure.The mean scale scores of SF-36 in each domain were showed in Table 2.The highest values of SF-36 were obtained for PF(73.0 ± 25.7)and the lowest values were obtained for VT(50.2±15.4).
  3.3 Predicting factors of QOL After linear regression analysis(Table 3),predictors were found in the eight domains respectively.For example,the predictors of PF were gender,type of faculty,the money gives by government,sleeping time,attending a conference and on satisfactory offers;these predictors positively influence students’ PF score except for gender and type of faculty.
  According to the results of linear regression analysis,it was found out that female student had lower scores in PF and MH domains.The age of students was positively associated with VT.Students studying in medical sciences had lower scores in BP and VT domains but higher score in PF domain compared to students in polytechnic institute,and lower scores than students in faculty of sciences in GH domains.The scores of RP and RE increase with grade.Students living around Conakry had higher scores than those living in Conakry in RP and RE domains.Having part-time job after the course was linked to higher scores of RP,SF and RE,but lower score of VT.The score of PF increase with sleeping time.Students visiting a friend or going to drink bar two or more time in a month had higher scores in GH and MH domains respectively,while attending a conference showed opposite result in PF domain.Having study pressure or transport difficulties,or lacking of partner both had negatively influence on students’ QOL.   4 DISCUSSION
  The aim of the current study was to assess the college students’ QOL and explore its predictors.
  In our study,the results showed that the highest values of the SF-36 scales were obtained for PF and the lowest one for VT.These findings are compatible with those obtained in QOL studies of students in Serbia [11],Turkey [12],and Canada [13].
  A comparison of SF-36 scores in our university students with the university students in Lebanon showed the higher scores in domains of BP,SF,RE,and MH;and lower in the domains of PF,RP,GH,and VT[14].These scores compared with the SF-36 scores in the Serbian college students,can show all of our domain scores were lower [11],it is the same report when we compared them with the US general population aged 25-34 years [13].Unfortunately,the standard for the SF-36 questionnaire in the Guinean general population do not exist,thus there was no possibility to compare the QOL of students to our age-matched general population.
  According to the gender,our study proved that,males students scored higher compared to female students in PF and MH dimensions of the QOL instruments.Following the study about QOL among medical students done in Brazil [15],female students had lower SF-36 scores than males in the domains of PF,BP,VT,SF,and RE.This could be explained by the fact that women may experience a wider range of stressful life events compared to men [16-17].
  Considering academic discipline,there are relationships between SF-36 scales and type of faculty in PF,BP,GH and VT domains;students studying in medical sciences had lower scores in BP and VT domains but higher score in PF domain compared to students in polytechnic institute,and lower scores than students in faculty of sciences in GH domain.In survey conducted in Lithuania,the similar results were obtained [18].Barbist et al.[19]emphasized that medical students might have a different perception of health and therefore value health status differently compared to the general population.
  In this study,participants living around Conakry have higher scores than those living in Conakry in RP and RE domains.The results obtained by Sabbah et al.[11]in survey conduct in Lebanon,show that patients resident in rural areas had higher VT scores than those in urban areas.This could be explained by the fact that people living in urban areas may experience a wider range of stressful life events compared to those in rural areas.
  5 CONCLUSIONSAND RECOMMENDATIONS   In conclusion,the main predicting factors of the QOL of college students in Republic of Guinea include age,gender,type of faculty,study grade,area,part-time job,sleeping time and the pressure of study.The appropriate health-promoting actions,social support,and counseling services should be implemented in the campus.At the same time,it will be a necessary step towards the main goal of improving the overall QOL of university students in Guinea.It is not only in the best interests of an institution but also it is its responsibility to invest in a student’s wellbeing.In the future public health strategies,special attention should be paid on the improvement of psychological factors influencing QOL in college student population.
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【摘要】 目的 探讨多次住院老年高血压患者的生活质量状况以及影响因素。方法 随机抽取我院300例多次住院老年高血压患者进行生活质量状况调查,同时采集影响其多次住院的影響因素。结果 多次住院老年高血压患者生活质量评分较低,影响因素主要集中在平时血压控制情况、服药依从性以及生活方式等方面。结论 多次住院老年高血压患者生活质量状况较差,服药依从性较差,家庭支持欠缺,在住院治疗过程中加强对高血压患者的健康
【摘要】 目的 研制更合理、更符合治疗护理要求、能使上肢功能障碍患者更好地保持良肢位且更为舒适的U型轮椅餐板。方法 根据临床护理工作的需要,自行设计制作了一款U行轮椅餐板,应用于脑卒中上肢功能障碍康复的患者。结果 经临床168例患者使用,能够按照康复的治疗护理要求满足康复患者,患者舒适度高,效果满意。结论 使用自制的轮椅餐板能有效预防肩关节半脱位、肩手综合征、肩痛等并发症的发生,增加病人舒适度,显
【摘要】 目的 观察生长抑素联合乌司他丁治疗急性轻症胰腺炎的临床疗效。方法 将2011年9月至2013年9月我科收治的60例急性轻症胰腺炎作为研究对象,随机分为观察组和对照组各30例,观察组给予生长抑素联合乌司他丁治疗,对照组单纯给予生长抑素治疗。观察两组的平均住院时间和总有效率。结果 观察组的平均住院时间少于对照组,总有效率低于对照组,差异皆有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 生长抑素联合乌司他
【摘要】 目的 研究冬龙祛噎胶囊对放疗的增效作用。方法 采用小鼠U14肿瘤模型,以1.0g胶囊内容物/kg小鼠体重剂量的冬龙祛噎胶囊,联合60Co放疗U14荷瘤鼠,并与60Co单独放疗及单独用药进行对比,分析抑瘤效果。结果 冬龙祛噎胶囊联合60Co放疗U14荷瘤鼠,抑制率为46.24%;冬龙祛噎胶囊单独使用对U14荷瘤鼠抑瘤率为37.16%,60Co单独放疗U14荷瘤鼠抑瘤率为28.30%。结论
【摘要】 目的 分析和探讨采用针灸按摩配合功能锻炼对腰椎间盘突出症进行治疗的临床效果。方法 选择腰椎间盘突出症患者78例,按照就诊时间将其随机分组(对照组和观察组),每组各39例。对照组患者采用针灸按摩法,观察组患者采用针灸按摩配合功能锻炼法,并统计、比较和分析两组患者的临床治疗情况。结果 经过比较统计显示,观察组患者的临床治疗总有效率(92.31%)明显高于对照组患者的临床治疗总有效率(82.0
【摘要】 目的 探讨糖尿病多层优化健康教育在临床的实用价值。过程及方法 筛选2013年糖尿病患者共550例,通过健康教育前后问卷问答的方式,分析实验数据有无差异。结果 采用统计学方法,使用卡方检验,P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论 糖尿病多层优化健康教育能明显改善患者的代谢指标,提高对糖尿病的知晓率和行为依从性。  【关键词】 糖尿病;多层优化健康教育;治疗效果  doi:10.3969/j.
【摘要】 目的 对2010——2011年蚌埠市哨点医院手足口病病原进行检测分析,以调查本地区手足口病流行情况。为手足口病的综合防治提供参考资料。方法 收集哨点医院2010——2011年送检的手足口病病例咽拭子标本,应用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测手足口病病原(肠道病毒7l型、柯萨奇病毒A组16型)。结果 2010年共检测332份咽拭子标本,阳性101份,阳性率30.42%,分别是肠道病毒71型55份
【摘要】 近年来,随着社会主义市场经济的快速确立和发展,使得社会领域的各行各业在运行管理制度上,为了适应当今人类社会的不断发展,都开始大幅度的创新、改革。其中在操作技术中含有高风险的医疗机构,对此实行的授权定期评价制度以及再授权管理政策,在一定程度上激发了医院相关医护人员的责任心,规范了医护人员在对病患实施麻醉、腔镜手术以及各种开放性手术的高风险、高难度、复杂性强的手术操作流程,从而有效的减少了患
【摘要】目的探讨经单鼻蝶入路的适应征及手术方法。方法18例垂体瘤患者经单鼻蝶入路行垂体瘤切除术。结果肿瘤全切除15例,近全切除2例,部分切除1例。随访3个月-2年,肿瘤消失18例。结论经单鼻蝶入路切除垂体瘤,创伤小、恢复快、效果好。  【关键词】垂体瘤;外科手术;单鼻蝶入路  垂体腺瘤是一种来源于垂体前叶细胞的腺瘤。目前对其发病机理的研究尚不清楚,可能与垂体细胞的功能缺陷或者下丘脑激素分泌紊乱有着