Guigang:A Holy Land of Buddhism

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Agoni_iAy
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  In early June, a loud gust of wind arrives in Guigang, offering Yujiang River (the largest tributary river of Xijiang River) with abundant rainfall. Each year, millions of tons of cargoes travel through this river, making it one of the busiest waterways in Guangxi.
  As a “green gem” lying on the Tropic of Cancer, Guigang features a subtropical monsoon climate. From the perspective of Wuxing, including metal, wood, water, fire and earth, among which “water” is regarded as the soul of Guigang, hence its name. “The golden watercourse” -- Xijiang River flows through the city, making its port the biggest freshwater port in South China.
  During the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-206 BC), Bushan County (today’s Guigang) was established here under the jurisdiction of Guilin Prefecture at that time. Many years later, Guigang was promoted to be a city of Guangxi in 1988. For centuries, travellers to Guigang have told tales of this magical land.
  The sacred place for praying
  Nanshan Temple
  Guigang has a unique character shaped by Buddhism over thousands of years. This obscure and archaic-looking religion has produced one of the enlightened cultures here. A cultural tour of Guigang will include a wide range of local wonders. And the landmark attraction -- Nanshan Temple is certainly high up on the schedule.
  The Nanshan Temple located on Nanshan Hill was built in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). The temple was closely associated with emperors. 224 imperial books were donated by Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty; Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty presented a plaque inscribed with “Jingyou Zen Temple”; Emperor Wenzong of the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368) visited the temple twice and wrote “Nanshan Temple” in Chinese on the entrance plague, which can still be seen now.
  Outside the temple, there are some banyan trees. Inside the temple, the meandering paths may lead you to somewhere. Atop the hill, you can have a panoramic vista of Guigang. Surrounded by shops selling local specialties, Nanshan Temple is crowded with worshipers all year round. If you ask anyone about the Buddhism, they’ll tell you that Buddhism is a very difficult philosophy to teach or explain, and the very best way to understand it is to experience it.
  Longhua Temple
  Over 2,500 years, the dream of Buddha is still with us. People who share a common vision and goal are gathering around another temple -- Longhua Temple which is a must-see sight in Guigang because of its religious, cultural and historical significance.   The temple located in the West Mountain Scenic Area was built in the early years of the Song Dynasty. For over 1,000 years, it has survived numerous wars and earthquakes, with well-preserved Buddhist buildings you can see today.
  It is said that the Buddhist prediction here is very accurate. And even those of other faiths or nonbelievers would find a spiritual experience in Longhua Temple. For foreigners, a temple fair here is definitely a cultural experience, because it shows Chinese cultures from a very detailed perspective. Nowadays, going to the temple fair of Longhua Temple has become a routine for residents near the area during China’s annual Spring Festival.
  Impacts of Buddhism on the locals
  In the north of Guigang, there is a very highly blessed place--Hulong Village. People of Lanyi (blue suite) Zhuang are living here with an older and simpler lifestyle. Despite arduousness of this journey, the joy of moving closer to this village shows in visitors’ smiling faces.
  In the golden terraces surrounding the village, the ears of rice are plump and right for harvesting. People here are influenced unconsciously by Buddhism. In Buddhism, there is no place for laziness and lethargy, and industry is the soul of the natives, as well as the keystone of their prosperity. Villagers believe that you can’t expect an apple tree if you sow thistle seed.
  The trip to Hulong Village felt like a pilgrimage. In vivid contract to the urbanites, people of Lanyi Zhuang value a clear mind and know how to relax and live at this moment. It’s true that most of people in the modern society are money-oriented and worried about their living. However, Hulong Village is a land with the purity of heart, peace and wellbeing. The brand of happiness reflected in the locals’ eyes is scantly seen in the country’s materially wealthier cities. Perhaps it explains why Buddhism has become particularly attractive to those who live in our demanding 21st century.
  People here have a long tradition of co-existing peacefully with the creatures and landscapes around them. The natives respect for nature and may find expression in practical ways. An injured bird would be nursed back to health by the villagers. These acts of kindness are common in this village where people believe that helping other beings is helping themselves. The culture of veneration and protection extends right across this land, helping preserve a unique yet fragile ecosystem.
  Buddhism has marked out a path that leads directly from ancient world to the modern society. After this unexpected round-trip journey on the blessed land, please don’t forget to make a wish and pray devoutly before the Buddha, and it may come true sometime soon.
“东盟是中国周边外交的优先方向。”一句话道出了东盟在中国外交战略里的份量。而越南既是东盟的重要成员,又与中国缔结了全面战略合作伙伴关系。中越关系可以说是一对特别的、备受瞩目的外交关系。  在中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年之际,中国驻越南大使熊波接受了本刊记者的书面采访,他从友好合作的角度出发,同我们回顾了中越交往硕果。展望未来,他认为中越务实合作正迎来新的更大机遇。  携手稳定友好合作大局  19
从“神车”五菱的“跨界”生产,到柳州螺蛳粉蹿升至美食“顶流”,再到地表水质连续两年全国第一,中国柳州市在这两年涌现出大量令人惊奇的故事,频频登上网络热搜。就连中国国家主席习近平也在广西考察中称赞柳州的发展。在习近平主席关于推动产业优化升级、推动特色产业高质量发展的相关重要指示下,柳州市正书写着关于“工业设计”的另一个“惊奇”故事。  2021年7月底,第二届“金紫荆杯”中国—东盟工业设计大赛(以下
今年是中国和东盟建立对话关系30周年,是双方关系发展中具有特殊意义的“大年”。历史是一面镜子,对于双方来说,梳理30年对话史的进程,总结30年对话史的经验,重点在于抓住中国—东盟关系发展的规律,关键在于增强中国—东盟国家关系的互信,落脚点在于面向未来,在于着力推动更紧密的“中国—东盟命运共同体”建设。  中国—东盟30年对话关系发展史  中国—东盟对话关系进程开启于1991年7月19日。彼时,时任
2019年8月,中国(广西)自由贸易试验区(以下简称广西自贸试验区)获批设立。广西作为中国面向东盟开放合作的前沿,决定了东盟元素是它不同于中国其他自贸试验区的特别之处。  2020年11月,中国国家主席习近平在第17届中国—东盟博览会开幕式上提出,要推动中国同东盟产业链、供应链、价值链深度融合。在这一指示精神的引领下,2021年7月,广西出台了《广西壮族自治区人民政府关于以中国(广西)自由贸易试验
“大船尾接小船头,北调南腔语不休。照水夜来灯万点,满江红作乱星浮。”清朝黄体元的《邕江杂咏》以文字再现了古时邕城商贾往来的繁荣景象。  到了现代,人们则更喜欢用数据记录它的发展新貌:目前,南宁市已进入中国经济50强城市行列,提前一年实现地区生产总值、居民人均可支配收入比2010年翻一番的目标;中国(广西)自由贸易试验区南宁片区揭牌一年多来,累计新增企业7388家;面向东盟的金融开放门户南宁核心区集
美国硅谷凭借领跑全球的高新技术企业和良好的创新创业环境等优势享誉全球。而在东方,新加坡政府正从国家战略布局、政策、资金投入、顶层设计4个层面入手,意欲打造东南亚的“硅谷”。  根据新加坡《联合早报》近期的报道,新加坡政府将投资38亿新加坡元(约合81亿元人民币)采购资讯通信科技,大力推动智慧国家的发展。这是近5年来当地政府在此方面最高的投资金额,让人看到了新加坡发展数字经济的决心和实力。  对内:
2021年恰逢中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年,百年变局叠加世纪疫情的挑战让这个具有里程碑意义的年份显得更加特殊。而身处时代洪流中的中国与新加坡依旧坚持在政治上相互信任、经济上互利互惠、文化上沟通交融、疫情中紧密合作……双方奋楫前进、厚植情谊的举动既是为中国国内国际双循环提供助力,也是为新加坡经济复苏与转型升级拓展潜能,更是为中国—东盟关系友好发展锦上添花。  近期,本刊记者赴京专访了新加坡共和国驻
柳州人的一天可以从一碗螺蛳粉开始,也可以以一碗螺蛳粉结束,小小的螺蛳粉承载着柳州人的日常,更承载了这座城市产业发展的新貌与独一无二的文化。  2021年4月,中国国家主席习近平在柳州螺蛳粉生产集聚区视察时称赞,小米粉搞出这么大规模的产业来,不容易,值得好好总结研究。据悉,2020年,柳州螺蛳粉产业实现袋装螺蛳粉销量110亿元人民币,配套及衍生产品销售收入超130亿元人民幣,实体门店销售超过118亿
由马来西亚东盟工商咨询理事会牵头,一批马来西亚私营企业发布了一份联合备忘录,敦促政府在2021年底完成对《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)以及《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(CPTPP)的核准,从而让马来西亚获得先发优势,通过东盟、RCEP和CPTPP,充当这一占全球1/3人口的巨大市场的门户。  备忘录中提到,尽早核准RCEP和CPTPP能让马来西亚企业进入更开放的市场,获得更好的原材