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蝉和毛毛虫是生活在一棵树上的邻居。蝉瞧不起毛毛虫,他觉得毛毛虫不仅长得丑,而且没什么追求,除了吃就是睡觉,太平凡了。而他自己呢,长着一双浓眉大眼,身披黑色皮夹克,看起来可帅气了。不仅如此,他还有自己的特长—唱歌。毛毛虫跟他简直没法比。在昆虫界举办的歌手大赛中,蝉一举夺魁,这让蝉更得 Cicada and caterpillar are neighbors living in a tree. Cicada look down on caterpillars, he believes that caterpillars not only grow ugly, and no pursuit, in addition to eating is to sleep, too ordinary. And he himself, with a pair of thick eyebrows, black leather jacket, looks handsome. Not only that, he also has his own specialty - singing. The caterpillar is just like him. In the singer's contest held in the insect industry, cicadas won the first prize, which makes cicadas even more
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