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  Sharon: Hi, Tim. Can I ask you a bit of a personal question?
  Tim: Sure. Fire away.
  Sharon: How much do you make?
  Tim: Oh, I didn’t know that’s where you were going with this.
  Sharon: ①Yeah, I know that it’s taboo to ask such a thing, but it’s really been weighing on me lately.
  Tim: My salary has been causing you sleepless nights?
  Sharon: Not yours…mine!
  Tim: Alright. But even if I wanted to tell you, I don’t think it’s a good idea. I feel like it’d only 1)exacerbate the problem.
  Sharon: But if I don’t know what other people are making in the office, especially my 2)peers, how can I know if I’m being properly 3)compensated for all my hard work?
  Tim: Truth is, I read this study by expert Dick Dauphinais of Strategic Compensation Partners that said sharing salary details with colleagues can have negative 4)repercussions, like destroying the delicate office eco-system and putting my own job at risk.
  Sharon: I think you’re exaggerating a bit there.
  Tim: Am I? What if the higher-ups find out I’m sharing my 5)confidential contract information with people around the office, and some of those people have the same job title as me but a different salary? Maybe I was simply a better negotiator in my interview than they were, or maybe they happen to be related to one of the bosses. I don’t want to stir up any trouble Sharon. You understand right?
  Sharon: I guess. But this kind of confidentiality is the exact reason why women still don’t get paid as much as men, even for doing the same exact job and even if the woman is more qualified.
  Tim: The two may be related, but I have a feeling that divide would still exist, whether peoples’ salaries remain a secret or not.
  Sharon: Well, I, for one, was glad when all that information about movie actors’ salaries got hacked and leaked to the media.
  Tim: That’s terrible. How could you say that? It was clearly a 6)violation of their privacy.
  Sharon: But I think it’s important that the world sees how overpaid these public 7)pretenders are. Doctors and teachers should be the ones earning six, seven, eight figures, not dumb movie stars…
  Tim: ②You just sound bitter to me. Maybe you need some time off…
  Sharon: Don’t talk down to me. Just because you make more than me, that doesn’t give you the right to dole out advice like you’re Dear Abby.
  Tim: Maybe I make more, maybe I don’t. So what? If you spent more time focused on your own work, then maybe you wouldn’t be so distracted by what other people are doing and earning.   Sharon: Whatever. You’ll never understand. You were probably raised with a silver spoon in your mouth, while I’ve had to fight my way up the corporate ladder.
  Tim: Oy…I told you…This is how salary 8)disputes start…

  Smart Sentences
  ① Yeah, I know that it’s taboo to ask such a thing, but it’s really been weighing on me lately. 嗯,我知道问这种事是禁忌,但是这个问题最近确实让我烦恼。
  weigh on sb.: burden or worry sb.(让某人烦恼)。例如:
  My roommate’s alcohol problem began to weigh on me last month.
  ② You just sound bitter to me. 你听起来很不开心。
  sound bitter: give the impression of being angry(让人感到说话者不高兴)。例如:
  —Why does Dad sound so bitter?
  —Because his supervisor took the credit for Dad’s work.
摘 要:CECL(交际英语教程)课是广东外语外贸大学为英语专业本科一二年级学生开设的一门综合英语课,是国家级精品课程。问卷调查考察了学生对CECL课堂教师使用母语(即中文)的态度,结果表明:学生们赞成教师尽量用英语,但同时也赞成教师适时使用中文;他们主张教师使用英语主要是在关注英语输入、英语学习环境和交际机会,但同时又对教师使用中文持正面态度的原因主要在于中文对教师信息的表达和加深理解有帮助;另外
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Abe: Hey there pretty lady, you and your 1)gal pals heading over to the square to do a bit of dancing?  Esther: You know us too well!  Abe: You mind if I 2)tag along? ①I could use a little eye candy t
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