
来源 :歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pearlpink
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《毛主席是咱社里人》这首歌产生在大跃进、人民公社化时期的1959年秋季。那时,我正在山东曲阜师范大学附中读高中二年级。这首歌的歌词选自广东音协编印的《新弦》歌词月刊上。词作者是广州战士歌舞团的青年诗人张永枚,当我读到这首表现人民和领袖之间的深厚情谊的歌词时,便爱不释手,反复诵读,遍遍吟哦,词外的情景,词内的意蕴,其情、其景、其人、其事,感染在心中,浮现在眼前,经过这一酝酿和消化过程,一组组表达词意的音乐主题已具雏形。但我思忖良久,仍未下笔,唯恐抓不准形象,造成“曲不达词,调不达意”的偏离。记得在六十年代初,我在中央音乐学院上学的时候,就曾收到过不少来信,询问起这首歌的的创作过程。当年,我一一作了简要的回复。现在回想起来,这首歌大体是这样构思的。我手捧着《毛主席是咱社里人》的歌词,心中不断地思考着:中国革命从撤离井冈山长征至陕北延 The song “Chairman Mao is our society” was produced in the autumn of 1959 during the Great Leap Forward and the People’s Commune. At that time, I was sophomore in Qufu Normal University in Shandong. The song’s lyrics are from the monthly “New String” lyrics compiled by the Guangdong Society of Musicians. The author is a young poet of the Guangzhou Warriors Song and Dance Troupe, Zhang Yong Mei. When I read this song which shows the deep friendship between the people and the leaders, I would like to put it down, read it over and over again, In the process of brewing and digesting, the theme of a group of music expressing the meaning of words has taken shape. However, I think for a long time, have not yet put down the pen, lest the image must not be caught, resulting in “music not up to the word, tone not satisfied ” deviation. I remember that in the early 1960s, when I went to school at the Central Conservatory of Music, I had received many letters asking about the creation of this song. That year, I made a brief reply. In retrospect, this song is generally conceived this way. I am holding “Chairman Mao Zanshe people” lyrics, my heart constantly thinking: the Chinese revolution from the withdrawal of the Long March Jinggangshan to Northern Shaanxi
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