发挥科技先导作用 推进社会健康发展

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1994年12月13日,山东省科委邀请省环保局、计生委、建委等厅局负责同志及省社科院、省经研中心、山东大学、山东师范大学、省社会中心等单位的专家教授召开了社会发展科技工作座谈会,并就山东省社会发展科技“九五”计划及2010年长期规划广泛征求意见、建议。 与会专家一致认为,自从改革开放以来,山东的经济和社会发展事业有了长足的发展,特别是自1988年在全国率先提出“科技兴社”战略以来,本着规划引导,抓住关键,突出重点,体现特色的思想。围绕人口、资源与环境三大主题,组织社会力量,进行重点科技攻关,取得较大成效,社会发展与经济建设脱节、滞后的问题得以初步解决,推动了山东经济社会协调持续健康发展。专家们强调,由于社会发展涉及面广,社会发展科技工作牵涉众多部门,工作难度大,因此应加强组织领导,注重各有关部门的协调配合与力量匹配,避免内耗与磨 December 13, 1994, Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Commission invited the provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, Family Planning Commission, Construction Committee and other bureau responsible comrades and provincial Academy of Social Sciences, Provincial Economic Research Center, Shandong University, Shandong Normal University, Provincial Social Center and other units of experts The professor held a symposium on scientific and technological work in social development and extensively solicited opinions and suggestions on the “Ninth Five-year” plan for social development in Shandong Province and the 2010 long-term plan. Experts at the meeting unanimously held that since the reform and opening up, the cause of economic and social development in Shandong has made considerable progress. Since 1988, when the country first introduced the strategy of “rejuvenating the community through science and technology,” guided by the principle of planning and seized the key to prominence Focus, reflect the characteristics of the idea. The three major themes of population, resources and environment were organized and social forces were organized. Key scientific and technological breakthroughs were made and great achievements were made. The social development and economic construction were out of line with each other and the problem of lagging behind was solved initially, which promoted the sustained and healthy economic and social development in Shandong. Experts stress that due to the wide range of social development and the scientific and technological work in social development involving many departments and work being difficult, it is necessary to strengthen the organization and leadership, pay attention to the coordination and coordination of all relevant departments and avoid the internal friction and wear
采用正电子多普勒展宽和X衍射分析方法研究了冷轧镍中氢化物的分解过程。实验结果指出:冷轧镍中充氢(0.5mol/lH_2 SO_4+250mg/lAS_2O_3)会产fccβ相(氢化物),β相是不稳的,室
镗轴与铣轴内孔的配磨间隙大小根据什么来确定?如何测定配磨后的间隙值?这是我们在生产中遇到的两个实际问题。本文根据生产实践,谈一下我们的看法。 一、镗铣轴间隙统计1.几
1 陶瓷型铸铝模板的采用 我厂生产的铸件,重量轻,批量大,且要求较高,一般都采用模板造型。多年来,模板的制作一直是我厂铸造生产中的一个难题。我们曾制作过许多环氧塑料型
牛头刨床的主运动为往复式直线运动,刨刀在后退过程中往往容易划伤已加工表面,损坏刀尖。为了避免这种情况,有些机床使设计了自动抬刀机构。 电磁式抬刀结构具有体积小、无污