Transfer of mother tongue in SLA

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  Abstract: In SLA transfer of mother tongue can not be overlooked. And we group it into positive transfer and negative transfer, which are reflected on different levels including pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax and culture.
  Key words:positive transfer;negative transfer;mother tongue
  We are all very familiar with the phenomenon that an Indian speaks English quite fluently but inevitably with an Indian accent. In China we can often hear such kind of sentence as “I am student”. Both the two examples are the results of mother tongue transfer.
  Transfer is a general term describing the carryover of previous performance or knowledge to subsequent learning. Positive transfer occurs when the prior knowledge benefits the learning task, that is, when a previous item is correctly applied to present subject matter. Negative transfer occurs when the previous performance disrupts the performance on a second task. The latter can be referred to as interference, in that previously learned material interferes with subsequent material, that is, a previous item is incorrectly transferred or associated with an item to be learned.
  These two kinds of transfer can be seen in many aspects of SLA and appear on different levels of language, such as pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax and culture.
  1.Pronunciation transfer
  Looking at language transfer at phonological level is no longer fresh to us. As pronunciation transfer is quite a common phenomenon in language transfer, and we have learned about it during our graduate linguistics class. It seems a little exaggerative that an English native professor teaching SLA can tell where his students come from as soon as he listens to their speaking English, but it indeed reflects a widely-accepted phenomenon: The greater the distinction of pronunciation between two languages, the larger the degree of mother tongue transfer. English and Chinese have a great distinction in phonology, because they belong to different language families. A main distinction is that there is no consonant cluster in Chinese like that in English. So Chinese students, while speaking English, are likely to add a vowel in the consonant cluster. For example, blue—blu:— is usually pronounced as ︳b?lu:︳. However, the congruity or similarity between two languages can benefit to students’ correct pronunciation. As in Chinese there are such phonemes as ︳p︳,︳b︳and︳d︳, it is very easy for Chinese students to learn to pronounce them in English.While the teacher should emphasize that these phonemes are not completely identical in English and Chinese.
  2.Vocabulary transfer
  Because of different social and cultural contexts, meanings of vocabulary in two languages are not the same. Some beginning learners think that so long a word represent a certain concept, meanings of the words in two languages which represent the same concept should correspond to each other. In fact, it is not so simple. Both Chinese and English have a rich vocabulary, but words which have absolutely identical meaning, except for some technical terms, are quite rare. Vocabulary transfer or rather, vocabulary interference can be mainly seen as follows: 1) Negative transfer caused by different connotations or associations of Chinese and English vocabulary. As to the same thing, vocabulary meanings are formed by concepts on different levels in Chinese and English. For example, “牛” in Chinese has at least 3 counterparts in English: bull(公牛), cow(母牛), and calf(小牛). When some beginning learners want to express the concept of “小牛”, they are likely to use “ little cow” or “small cow”, which is obviously wrong. 2) Negative transfer caused by the fact that some words in Chinese and English seem to have similar meaning but different in nature. For example, “爱人” in Chinese is not identical with “lover” in English, it refers to the spouse in Chinese, while “情人” in English.
  3.Syntax transfer
  People’s dispute on syntax transfer has existed for a long time, but a great number of syntax transfer (including positive and negative transfer) is discovered in sentence order, relative clause and negative sentence. Both Chinese and English have the following 5 sentence structures:
  Subject + link verb + predicative: “We are students.” (我们是学生。)
  Subject + predicate :“I got up very early.” (我起床很早。)
  Subject + predicate + object: “I ate an apple.” (我吃了一个苹果。)
  Subject + predicate +indirect object + direct object :“I gave him a book.” (我给了他一本书。)
  Subject +predicate + object + object complement: “We elected him president.” (我们选他为总统。)
  Due to this similarity, it is quite easy for Chinese students to learn these basic sentence structures in English, which is positive transfer. But there is also some negative transfer. Attributive clause, which is frequently used in English, is just a great obstacle for Chinese students to learn.
  4.Culture transfer
  Every culture is unique in the world and cultural differences can be a stumbling block on the road to learn a foreign language. However, cultural differences are often overlooked and neglected in cross-cultural communication, in which the cultural background of the participants’ mother tongue inevitably influences their use of the target language, leading to misunderstanding or even hatred. Put differently, in such situations, culture transfer occurs.
  Strictly speaking, any particular language is a form of learned behavior and therefore part of the culture. “Language is just as culture-bound as are the traditional habits and value orientations characteristic of the society whose members use it” (Zdenek Salzmann, 1993:156). Thus, as Liu Runqing and Deng Yanchang put in Language and Culture (1989:3):
  Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture. Without language, they maintain, culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture; it reflects culture.
  Therefore, since language is so closely integrated with culture, when transfer is mentioned, culture transfer, not only language transfer, should be taken into consideration as well. This part will focus on the concept of culture, the definition of culture transfer and its classification.
  4.1The concept of culture
  The term culture, which consists of all the shared products of human society, is all-inclusive. To be specific, culture refers to “the total pattern of human learned behavior transmitted from generation to generation” (Zdenek Salzmann, 1993:156). Based on this definition, culture can be subdivided into three levels: the first level is material culture, that is, the material products of behavior (for example, a pull-open beer can or a radio telescope); the second level is institution culture (for example, political and economic institutions, law, art, interpersonal relationship and habits); the third level is mental culture (for example, worldview, value orientations, way of thinking, moral values and religious consciousness) (Hu Wenzhong, 1999:29).
  4.2The concept of culture transfer
  Based on different understandings of the concept of culture, culture transfer has been given various definitions. According to Dai Weidong and Zhang Hongling (2000:38), culture transfer refers to “a kind of interference caused by cultural differences, especially in cross-cultural communication.” Put differently, when people from different languages and cultures communicate, they may think and behave in accordance with the norms and standards of their own culture respectively, regardless of the cultural differences between them, which inevitably leads to misunderstanding, even hatred.
  4.3The classification of culture transfer
  If culture, as suggested in the previous section, can be subdivided into three levels, culture transfer can be classified into surface-structure transfer and deep-structure transfer accordingly.
  Generally speaking, surface-structure transfer refers to the transfer of culture in the first and second levels, that is, the transfer of material culture and institution culture, in which cultural differences are obvious and evident, so these differences can be easily discovered with little investigation. However, this definition of surface-structure transfer is so abstract that only its reflection in cross-cultural communication can help to explain it clearly and fully. The following example is cited for demonstration. In Chinese we have a phrase “拖后腿”, which, if translated into English, should be to hinder somebody or to hold somebody back. However, some English learners translate it literally as to pull somebody’s leg, which puzzles most English-speaking people, because to pull somebody’s leg means to make a fool of somebody. Therefore, in this example, surface-structure transfer occurs, leading to misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication.
  Secondly, deep-structure transfer is the transfer of culture in the third level, that is, the transfer of mental culture, including worldview, value orientations, and way of thinking, moral values and religious consciousness. Obviously, the aspects of mental culture are deeply hidden beneath the surface, concerning ideology, thus much more difficult to be sensed and perceived. Similarly, the following example can help us to understand this definition. In English, replies to Thank you are Not at all, Don’t mention it or You are welcome; while in Chinese, the most common ones are “没什么”or“不用谢”, sometimes “这是我应该做的”. But, what reply should be given by guides and service people when a foreign person says Thank you for a job well done? To translate the Chinese expression“这是我应该做的”as It’s my duty conveys the idea that the Chinese attendant or guide did not really want to do it, that he/she did it only because it was his/her duty. Therefore, it conveys a totally different message to the foreign person because of deep-structure transfer. A proper reply might be I’m glad to be of help or It’s a pleasure.
  It has become a hot topic in theoretical and educational fields that how to help students overcome the negative transfer of mother tongue. However, traditional approaches in Foreign Language Teaching in China put most emphasis on the mastery of grammar, that is, how to speak and write expressions and sentences in English which are grammatically correct, regardless of different cultural backgrounds. Consequently, a great number of English learners in China, who have possessed a proficient knowledge of language skills, often make “mistakes” concerning cultural differences in cross-cultural communication. Therefore, not only language skills, but also the knowledge of transfer, especially culture transfer should be emphasized in Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Put differently, cultural backgrounds should be introduced into Second Language Teaching in order to equip the students with a thorough knowledge of culture, which can avoid cultural transfer, or rather, culture interference.
  In a word, while teaching and learning English, we should further study how to correctly apply our mother tongue to SLA and reduce the influence of negative transfer of mother tongue.
课堂教学是一门艺术,课堂切入更是艺术中的艺术。”“一个好的教学切入是师生间建立感情的第一座桥梁。”可见在教学中,课堂导入很重要。不同的课堂内容,不同的教学重、难点,其导入方式也有所不同,不能千篇一律。  一、课堂导入的方法  (一)复习导入  古语云“温故而知新”。在每堂课的起始阶段,教师要充分利用新旧知识间的联系,帮助学生巩固已学的知识,又自然流畅地过渡到新课的教学,达到温故知新的目的。例如,在
摘要:随着中学英语教学水平的不断提高,大部分学生具备了比较好的英语语言知识。但是在实际教学过程中,我们感到英语学习者的英语语音仍然存在着一些问题。语言是人类交流的工具,而学习者语音的好坏,直接影响他们英语语言学习的可持续发展。有效地开展语音教学,提高学生的拼写拼读能力,是初中英语教师的首要任务。  关键词:语音教学问题;朗读教学;游戏竞赛教学;多媒体手段  外语语音对外语学习者的重要性毋庸置疑,语
尽管从事了十几年的小学英语教学工作,也有自己的一些课堂教学经验,但总觉得课堂上学生能做的无非就是读读背背写写,教学也无非翻来覆去的那么几个花样,时间久了,学生就有些烦了,学习兴趣也就不那么浓了。而“7321”教学策略,像一条山间的小溪,带着清新的气息,源源不断地流入进了我们的课堂,唤醒了园丁们的教学智慧,滋润着孩子们茁壮成长。  “展示+评价”7321有效教学策略是我们安丘市教研室刘玉明老师开展研
摘 要:英语教学的四个目标就是“听说读写”也是四项基本技能,其中听和说是在实际生活之中,能够有效运用的,而且成为英语学习和使用者的最重要的技能,也是人际交往之中的必备技能,对中国学生来说,听的难度要大于说的难度,因为要说之前,必须明确目标,这就是听到的,再者,在母语环境当中,缺乏一种有效的英语氛围,所以使得英语听力的技能提升难度颇大,如何有效的把握原则,去有针对性的提升英语听力水平,是我们需要在学
摘要:我国经济经过多年快速发展,其国内总产值迅速增加,已跃居世界第二,然而按人均水平计,跟其它国家存在这巨大的差距,而且单纯依靠高能耗、高污染的传统发展模式已不能奏效。经济发展方式转变成为重要议题。本文以衢州为例,论述了商务英语专业对经济发展方式转变的促进作用,并对该专业人才的培养方式进行了研究。  一、前言  改革开放30年来,中国经济经历了长期的迅猛发展,到2010年,其国国内生产总值已超过日
Abstract: Edward Cornish predicted that cultural differences would vanish by the year 2030.However, by studying the problem in the light of culture assimilation and dissimilation, we conclude that the
摘 要:对转述言语的研究历来局限于文学语篇,随着话语分析的兴起,人们认识到转述言语是媒体语篇,尤其是新闻报道的重要内容和手段。在新闻语篇中,转述言语是其重要组成部分,它们貌似客观公正,报道者却常常会以各种方式介入,有意无意地用自己的观点影响读者对引语的理解,以至于到达对意识形态的操控。本文对《纽约时报》中一篇评述卡扎菲功过的报道进行了个案研究。从转述方式、消息来源和转述动词三个方面考察新闻报道中隐
1. 具体案例:  本节课是8B Unit 6 Vocabulary,内容是“合成词”的学习。全市多所学校的八年级英语教师和相关课题组成员在我校进行了词汇学习策略教学研究活动。  这节课的最大难点就是课本上的内容比较少,而词汇测试中变化多,知识点琐碎。再者学生们总是认为词汇无非就是背单词,似乎给词汇课贴上了无聊的标签。然而词汇在英语学习中好似造房子的砖头,是不可或缺的。如何用合理有效的方法进行词汇
摘 要:英语朗读在英语学习中尤为重要。针对现在初中生在英语口语学习中不重视读,不愿意开口读,怕读的现象,本文从四个方面阐述了如何鼓励学生朗读英语,从而学好英语。  关键词:大声朗读,朗读习惯,有效朗读  英语学习作为一门语言的学习在初级阶段关键在于听,说。朗读在初级英语教学中的作用十分重要,要想让学生学好英语,培养良好的英语语感,顺利地运用英语这一语言,首要的就是要让学生朗读,并且要大声朗读。  