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  What if I were to tell you that in just one year from now, your IQ could be double what it is today? And what if I told you that all you needed to do was perform a simple daily exercise that would make it happen? In fact, there is strong evidence[证据] that by doing this one simple exercise, you can dramatically[引人注目地] increase your IQ — and even make yourself a genius! So what is this simple, easy and fantastic “genius exercise”? This: keep a daily journal or dairy. Every day, or several times a day, write down all your thoughts on paper. Do it faithfully for one complete year, and you will rapidly grow more intelligent.
   A study determined that only 1% of the world’s population
  habitually[习惯性地] engaged[使从事于] in daily journal writing.
  The study also found that that same 1% were
  almost always super high achievers, and that they
  almost always lived longer than the average for their time.
   Thomas Edison wrote an incredible[难以置信的] 3 million pages of notes, letters and personal thoughts in
  hundreds of personal journals throughout his life.
   When he was a young man, Albert Einstein took a young woman sailing for a date. The date didn’t go very well. The young woman was frustrated[失落的]
  because Einstein hardly said a word to her — but instead spent the whole day scribbling[潦草地写] in a small journal he carried with him.
  Now here’s some more good news: to get all of the IQ building effects of daily journaling, you don’t even have to write down anything that is even coherent[有条理的]!
  In fact, the best method to build your IQ seems to be carrying your journal with you throughout the day, and writing down any random[任意的] thoughts as they come into your head. Now an added bonus[额外收获]: keeping a daily “random thoughts” journal will not only make you smarter, but may also increase your life span[时距]! The evidence for this comes from a study of a group of unique[独特的] nuns in Mankato, Minnesota.
  The nuns are unique because just about all of them live well past the average age of death for women in Minnesota. Most of them live well into their 90s, and some top the 100-year mark. What do the sisters all have in common? That’s right — they are all journal keepers. Keeping a journal is a requirement of their
  particular order. And yes, a study of the nuns’ IQs showed that they were all well above average. Of course, there were other variables[可变的事物] in the nuns’ clean and serene[平静的] lifestyle that most likely
  contributed to[促成某事] their intelligence and long life —
  but journal keeping is the one key element they all had in
  So, buy a notebook, get a pen and carry them wherever you go. Jot down[草草记下] your random thoughts, reflect[细想] upon what you write, and soon, you’ll be enjoying your new super-powered IQ!
2010年11月,当全世界将目光聚焦在  广州亚运会时,也许人们会不由自主地把目光移到一座同样吸引眼球的建筑物上——她就是广州塔。没错,是“她”!  广州塔打破了高塔建筑棱角分明、高大威武的常规,尽显女性阴柔之美,犹如江边少女扭腰回眸,因而在官方名字未定之前被许多人昵称为“小蛮腰”。这个“乳名”倒也贴切,很符合电视塔的设计师——来自荷兰“信基建筑”事务所(Information  BasedArc
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