
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fredzhuca
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由于工作的需要,我在省内外结识了不少青年语文教师,有的成了我的忘年之友。青年语文教师是我们事业的未来,我们安徽以陈军、程功明等为代表的一大批德才兼备的青年语文教师(约20%以上)已展露头角。他们在树立正确的政治方向和坚定的专业思想的前提下,不仅自觉地培养自己的事业能力和职业感情、具有良好的工作作风、独立工作的能力,而且谦虚好学、孜孜以求,边教学边研究,是教学改革的排头兵。他们时有文著,教育教学水平和教学质量不断提高。他们虽然为数不是太多,但榜样的力量是无穷的,老年教师赞扬他们“那么有学问,又那么谦虚!”青年同行们也乐于结之为友,拜之为师。象女青年语文教师晋春就是以他们为榜样而初露锋芒的后起之秀。他们说:“我们要学习陈军等好榜样,走理论学习、教育实践与科学研究相结合的路子,把语文教学提高到一个新的水平。”他们是一批好苗子,是语文教学与研究的骨干力量。就我们安徽来说,一个你追我赶的局面刚刚开始形成。 Due to the needs of the work, I met many young language teachers both inside and outside the province, and some of them became friends of my old age. Young language teachers are the future of our business. We have represented a large number of talented young teachers (about 20% or more) represented by Chen Jun and Cheng Gongming in Anhui Province. Under the premise of establishing the correct political direction and firm professional thinking, they not only consciously cultivate their own professional abilities and professional feelings, have good work style, and the ability to work independently, but also be modest and eager to learn, and study as they go along. It is the vanguard of teaching reform. They had written works at the time, and the level of education and teaching continued to improve. Although they are not too numerous, the power of the example is endless. The old teachers praised them as “so knowledgeable and humble!” The young colleagues are also happy to make it a friend, and they are called teachers. Jin Chun, a young Chinese language teacher, used her role model to show her rising talent. They said: “We need to learn from Chen Jun and other good examples and follow the path of theoretical learning, educational practice and scientific research, and raise the Chinese language teaching to a new level.” They are a group of good seedlings, a language teaching and research. The backbone strength. For us in Anhui, a situation that you are chasing after has just begun to take shape.
日本渔船正在利用卫星提供的情报导航捕鱼,去年日本渔业情报中心根据自己的情报,结合美国NOAA—7卫星所提供的情报制订了9~11月间的鱼群预报导航图。 Japanese fishing vess
一、材料与方法屠宰新疆细毛羊7只(公羊3只,母羊4只),分段取材,用Bouin氏液固定,石蜡包埋切片。 H.E染色。对照染色镀银。 Materials and Methods 7 rabbits (3 rams and 4