沉雄劲健 大气磅礴——著名国画家王铸九先生记略

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王铸九先生河南南阳人,六十年代曾用一方闲章,“家在南阳古定陵”。先生早年曾用詹农、詹山老农为号。齐白石早年画集中有一幅一九三三年所画的人物,上款为“詹农仁弟雅嘱”,即白石老人画赠先生的人物精品。五十年代以后,先生便不用此号。先生早年曾从吴昌硕先生学画。一九二六 Mr. Wang Zhuanguu, Nanyang, Henan Province, who used to use one side of the sixties badge, “home in Nanyang ancient Dingling.” Early years, Mr. Zhanong, Zhan Shan veteran number. In the early paintings of Qi Baishi, there was a figure painted in 1933. The preceding paragraph was entitled “Zhannong Rende Ya Zhu,” an elite painting by Mr. Baishi. After the fifties, Sir would not have this number. Mr. Wu Changshuo early years to learn painting. One nine two six
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