Teaching English as an International Language in Chinese Context

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  【Abstract】The wide use of English has diversified teaching contexts. The role of English as an international language (EIL) challenges traditional English language teaching pedagogies. The study aims to explore the pedagogical implications of EIL in Chinese context. It is found that Chinese teachers and students should feel more confident in the claim of ownership of English.
  【Key words】English as an International Language (EIL); inner circle; outer circle; expanding circle; English varieties; ownership of English
  1. Introduction
  Kachru (1985) divided the countries where English is spoken into three concentric circles. The inner circle includes countries that are regarded as “the traditional bases of English” (Kachru, 1985): UK, the US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. In those countries, English is either the only or major official language. The outer circle consists of countries that are more linguistically diverse, such as Sri Lanka, India and Singapore. English spread initially in the outer circle due to colonization and has an official status in certain significant sectors, such as education, the press, administration and so on (Kachru, 1985). The expanding circle is virtually “rest of the world” (Kachru, 1985) where English is learned as a foreign language to carry out international communication.
  It is evident that English plays different roles in different countries and English learners learn English for different purposes. The spread of English has diversified teaching contexts and the role of English as an international language (EIL) has different implications in pedagogies in different contexts. English being an international language has changed its nature and challenges traditional English language teaching pedagogy, which has its root in linguistic imperialism and native-speaker models (McKay, 2003).
  2. Body
  The recognition of English varieties. The role of English as an international language implies that English is no longer owned by specific countries and people who use English to communicate can actually take the ownership of the language (Widdowson, 1994). Nonetheless, it turns out in reality that many non-native speakers are not confident enough to claim the ownership since they feel intimidated by the native-speaker norm (Jenkins,2000).Nonnative speakers are the majority of English speakers with increasing numbers and proficiency while much of the interaction through the medium of English does not involve native speakers (Kachru, 1991). Considering the fact, the native-nonnative dichotomy needs to be reexamined.   The ambivalence in attitudes towards the claim of ownership has been manifested by the divergence of attitudes people in the outer circle hold towards their own local variety of English. Some people believe the variety is a claim of ownership of English and a self-expression of their own identity while others regard the variety as sub-standard (McKay, 2003). This controversy implies that theoretically speaking, all varieties of a language are equal. That equal status needs to be recognized pedagogically for EIL teaching.
  The pedagogical implications of the variety of Englishes. The variety of Englishes leave the educators with different instructional models to choose from. In most of English courses, only one particular variety of English is selected as the main instructional model.
  No matter which variety is adopted as the main instructional model, students must be aware that what they are learning is not the single legitimate variety of English. If only one variety of English is presented in class, students are misled to assume this variety is superior to the others and this wrong assumption could lead to their failure in communication that involves different varieties of English. It is highly significant that students are exposed to multiple varieties of English and recognize the diversity in world Englishes since each variety is a manifestation of culture and indigenous values (Matsuda
【摘要】公示语英译是展现河南省对外形象的重要窗口,在国际一体化过程中发挥着重要的信息传递作用。本研究以卡塔琳娜·莱斯的文本类型理论出发,对河南省主要城市公示语翻译存在的问题进行实地考察,进而提出一些适中建议,希望对提升河南省城市软环境建设起到积极意义。  【关键词】公示语;翻译;规范化  【作者简介】梁素文(1981-),女,河南周口人,周口师范学院外国语学院,研究方向:英语教学;雷超(1971-
【摘要】作为英语教学的有效方法,词汇评估方法对于英语写作有着正面的推动作用。词汇评估强调“语块”的运用,以单词、短语、搭配、固定句式等作为写作教学的核心,进而进行“语块”之间的连接,形成句子。这种教学方法有利于提升写作的精准性与流利性,提高学生的语言组织能力。本文提出了基于词汇评估的高中英语写作教学对策。  【关键词】词汇评估;高中英语;写作教学  【作者简介】衣大帅,青岛市即墨区市北中学。  借
【Abstract】The thesis attempts to analyze the vague language in CLPRC, and finds the particular functions of vague language in CLPRC, however, how do they spread? How can we transfer the function in th
【摘要】在教学改革的推动下,衍生了许多新的教学理念,核心素养的培养就是其中的一种。它注重以人为本,强调了学生自主学习的重要性。小学英语阅读学习对学生以后的英语学习生涯有着深远意义。因此,如何将培养核心素养等新型理念融入到课堂教学之中,以此来解决传统教学模式显露出的问题,帮助学生更好地进行英语阅读学习是我们急需思考的问题。  【关键词】生本教育;小学语文;阅读  【作者简介】王灵芝,女,苏州人,苏州
【摘要】新时代商务背景下,实践中商务英语的应用愈发广泛,这对商务英语的教学与学习提出了新的挑战。电子技术的发展为现代教育提供了技术支持和新的思路,促进了远程学习进一步的发展——移动学习,移动学习已经逐渐成为一种趋势。本文通过梳理商务英语学习特点、微信公众平台的特点,基于移动学习理论基础,提出构建多模态的“商务英语”移动学习平台——微信公众平台。  【关键词】商务英语;微信公众平台;移动学习  【作
【摘要】为改善初中英语课堂教学效果,提升学生的英语核心素养,本文主要运用了调查法、经验总结法、文献资料研究法、文本细读法、综合研究法等探索方法,对英语核心素养的内涵、基于核心素养的初中英语课堂教学策略进行了积极探索。  【关键词】核心素养;初中英语课堂;教学策略  【作者简介】吴爱群,建省南平市顺昌县大干镇大干中学。  引言  近年来,随着新课标改革的深入,广大教育工作者不再局限于学科内容、教材内
【Abstrat】English is a language, which has very important practicality. We learn English in order to speak and use it. However, for a long time, English teaching has focused on the teaching of knowledg
【摘要】体验式课堂教学更突出学生的主体地位,使学生能够在参与课堂互动的过程中提高英语学科能力、学会与他人合作并能够在实践中应用和创新。在核心素养的倡导下,体验式课堂教学的重要性更突显出来,需要小学英语教师创新教学方法“以生为本”,提高英语课堂的趣味性和有效性。本文从核心素养的培养出发,分析了小学英语体验式课堂的应用策略。  【关键词】核心素养;小学英语;体验式课堂;实践策略  【作者简介】侯爱芳,
【摘要】在高等教育中,大学英语是一门非常重要的学科,在经济全球化不断深入的今天,培养大学生英语语言能力成为提高大学生综合素质的关键所在。当然,在多方面因素的影響下,高校英语教学依然存在一些问题,鉴于此,我们有必要结合这些问题展开探析,并围绕高校英语教学模式的改进与优化提出策略,以此推动高校英语教学的发展。  【关键词】高校英语;能动式教学;建构  【作者简介】魏琼,大同煤炭职业技术学院。  引言 
【摘要】但当今社会中,有部分年轻人存在着崇洋媚外的思想,对自己国家的文化认同感不够。对此,英语教师要高度重视对学生进行文化自信的培养,在课堂中渗透中国传统文化教育,可以从中西方价值观的比较、中国建国以来取得的巨大成就、中西方的风俗差异、中西方的历史名人和中西方的教育制度等不同的维度来进行正面引导。通过课堂上的文化渗透,来增强学生的文化自信。  【关键词】文化自信;英语教学;途径  【作者简介】毛云