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由上海通用汽车全程支持的“雪佛兰红粉笔乡村教育计划‘以素质教育,启迪心智.’为主旨,一直致力于改善偏远地区师资薄弱状况.每年,号召具备高素质的都市白领,前往偏远地区,开展为期两周的支教.”三年来红粉笔的足迹遍布中国西部的乡村.无数身处大山深处、想要了解外面世界的乡村小学的孩子们,因这份爱而点燃希望的火苗,他们心灵的天空也在志愿者的引导下更为开阔.在上百名红粉笔志愿者当中,IBM服务策划专家唐燕敏,三年内参加了两次红粉笔计划.他在实践中渐渐意识到,文化知识的贫乏、观念意识的落后以及思维方式的单一都不是靠单纯的财物捐助可以解决的,而开阔孩子们的眼界,启发他们的心智,培养他们独立思考的能力却能够使孩子们受益匪浅.——从这个意义上说,一名出色的志愿者将会对孩子们的一生产生深远的影响. The “Chevrolet Red Chalk Rural Education Project”, which is supported by Shanghai General Motors, has always been devoted to improving teachers’ weakness in remote areas with the theme of quality education and enlightening mind. Every year, it calls for high-quality urban white-collar workers to travel to remote areas For a period of two weeks. “” In the past three years, red chalk has been found in the villages of western China. Numerous children in village schools who want to know the outside world are ignited by this love, , Their spiritual sky is also more open under the guidance of volunteers.In the hundreds of red chalk volunteers, IBM service planning expert Tang Yanmin, participated in two pink chalk plan within three years.He gradually realized in practice, culture Lack of knowledge, lack of awareness of the concept of consciousness and a single way of thinking are not relying on a simple donation of property can be solved, and broaden their horizons of children, inspire their minds, develop their ability to think independently but can make children benefit greatly In that sense, a good volunteer will have a profound impact on a child’s entire life.
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