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   There wasn’t going to be a happy ending. The patient had metastatic[转移性的] cancer and had just gone through her third unsuccessful regimen[疗程] of chemotherapy[化疗]. Now it seemed that everywhere we looked, we found disease.
   When she arrived in the intensive care unit[重症监护病房], she was delirious[神智昏迷的]. I asked her the usual questions, about her medical history, and whether she wanted us to do CPR注1 if her heart were to stop beating, but she didn’t answer. I was just setting the clipboard[带夹子的写字板] aside when she raised a hand and told me: “Doc, do everything you can. I need to make it to my daughter’s wedding.”
   She was in a lot of pain. She had a tube down her nose draining[引流] her stomach.
   “When is the wedding?” I asked.
   “Next summer.”
   I blinked[眨眼]. I blinked again. She didn’t—she was looking right at me. At this point, I doubted she’d make it through the hospitalization[住院治疗], let alone eight more months. I didn’t know what I could say. I put the stethoscope[听诊器] against her chest and fell into silence.
   I met Stefanie, her daughter, the next morning. She was 24, but was only eight when her mother’s cancer was first diagnosed[诊断]. Stefanie had shared her home with cancer for many years, and had always seen her mother fight.
   But she knew that this time was different. The oncology[肿瘤学] fellow who had been treating her mother as an outpatient[门诊病人] was the one to tell her that her mother was dying. Stefanie broke down, but understood there was no use denying[否认] it. The dream of a family wedding under the summer sun turned sour[令人失望,变坏].
   Stefanie called her fiance[未婚夫] that morning. Crying, she told him the news. But he turned things completely around. Without hesitation[犹豫] he told her, “I want her to be there, too,” and he promised not only to have the wedding done sooner, but to have it done right there in the ICU.
   Our medical team was used to dealing with all kinds of crises[危機]: Handling a last-minute wedding was not one of them. While having more than one opinion on a medical team regarding[关于] how best to manage a patient is fairly routine[日常的], we received no push back from anyone as we started to make arrangements for[安排某事] the wedding. Soon the whole team was involved. We sent a letter to the court[法院] to speed up the marriage certificate[结婚证]. A pastor[牧师] and harp[竖琴] player were booked. The hospital cafeteria[自助餐厅] baked a chocolate cake, and the nurses brought in flowers. In just a few days, we were ready.    My job was to make sure our patient’s pain was controlled while also avoiding the confusion[混乱状态] that is a side effect[副作用] of narcotic[麻醉] medications. But miraculously[奇迹般地], she didn’t need pain medications for hours and was fully aware of everything that was going on. Looking at the bride[新娘] and groom[新郎] from her hospital bed, she seemed more comfortable than I had ever seen her before. The whole day had an unreal feel to it; everything felt like it slowed down. The sun shone through the windows and glistened[闪耀] on the bags of fluid[液体]. For once in the hospital, there were tears but no pain. It felt as if, after all these years of chasing our patient down, even the cancer took a break.
   The next morning, the family decided to move her to hospice. No intubation[插管], no CPR—nothing that would prolong[延长] life. It was all about trying to make the patient comfortable. (And yet, four months later, she is still alive.)
   In today’s efficiency[效率]obsessed[着迷] medical world, it’s easy to forget that healing patients isn’t just about treating diseases and relieving[减轻] symptoms[症状]. There are things doctors and nurses can do, meaningful interventions[干涉]—like helping patients fulfill final goals or spend quality time注2 with their families—that cannot be documented[记录] in a discharge summary[出院小结] or be converted[转变] into a blip[评论] on a screen.
   As a doctor, I never liked the word “miracle.”I preferred to think in terms of[以……措辞] “medical outliers[异常值].” And yet that day of the wedding did feel like a miracle. Doctors often share their patients’ sorrow[悲伤], but rarely their joys. We had not discovered the cure to cancer, but we had achieved something powerful—freeing, if only temporarily[短暂地], our patient from her disease.
   One of the nurses, smiling through her tears, spoke to me after it was all over. “It was magical,”she said. “None of the patient alarms went off.”
关键词苏区 公共阅读 《红色中华》 大众阅读 集体读报  20世纪30年代,是中国共产党领导和管理政权的首次预演,是领导根据地建设和农村社会改造的重要时段。在社会文化领域,中共以马克思主义为指导,通过对群众日常生活和空间场域的影响,从而推动苏区的公共阅读建构,实现报刊的大众化阅读,更好地扩大报刊的社会影响和发挥报刊的动员作用。1931年12月11日,《紅色中华》创刊,①是苏维埃临时中央政府的机关报
摘 要:在小学科学实验教学中,总有一些学生不愿参与实验操作、只当旁观者的现状。通过问卷调查和个别交流,分析造成这种现状的原因,有利于改变这种局面、让学生主动参与到科学实验探究中去。  关键词:实验教学;旁观者;动手实验  中图分类号:G623.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2009)11-0053-03    一年前我在科学课的实验教学当中,发现了一个多年来一直被我所忽视的问题
关键词:小学英语;教学;设计  中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2008)10-0062-02    教学目标:  1学生能掌握(听、说、读、写)下列词汇:clothes jacket ticket 和短语I need_____;from______to _______ 等,并能用上述词汇进行交际。  2 通过丰富的课堂活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生
适合话题:  谦逊;幽默;  正气;态度;  待人之道  有一回,著名相声表演艺术家常宝华演出结束后和大家一起吃饭,一位年轻女服务员来到同座一位影星跟前,恭恭敬敬地说:“您能给我签个名吗?”不料这位影星不屑地说:“没看到我正在吃饭吗?”小姑娘顿时满脸通红,甚是尴尬,刚要转身往回走,常宝华叫住了她,站起来平和地说:“小姑娘,我能给你签吗?大概你不认识我。”小姑娘赶紧说:“我怎么不认识您哪?您是常老师
关键词:乌鸦喝水;质疑;反思  中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009-010X(2007)01-0062-01    《乌鸦喝水》是小学人教版实验教材一年级语文下册的一篇课文,也是大家熟知的一篇课文。  这篇课文应有两个主要教学目的:一是学习生字。二是告诉学生遇事要多动脑子。但一个偶然的机会却引起了我对这篇课文和教学的反思。事情是这样的,我的儿子两岁多了,为了提前对他进行
内容提要在乡村振兴视野下,本文重新考察了吴景超的城市社会学思想。研究发现,有别于单纯发展都市化经济和乡村建设,吴景超从经济化都市的视角,开始了对国家出路社会学取向的探索。基于“发展都市以救济乡村”的思想,吴景超构建了一种去边缘化和泛中心化的城乡融合发展图式,其主要目的是以都市振兴乡村,通过“都市 附庸”的区域结构扩大都市影响力,去除乡村在国家发展战略中的边缘地位,最终多都市通过合作与竞争连成一片,
She watched as the last leaf fell. Its descent to earth was slow and hard; every time it got close to the ground a gust of wind would lift it up to a new height. Minutes passed and still it didn’t tou
〔中图分类号〕D035.1 〔文献标识码)A 〔文章编号〕0447-662X(2021)09-0111-08一、农村低保政策的效果:政策认知的新视角  农村低保是一种典型的兜底保障,是社会救助体系的重要组成部分。随着保障水平大幅度提升,低保户作为政策目标群体,可按月/季度稳定地领取补助收入,生产生活得到了持续性保障。据民政部2020年發布的公报显示,2019年我国城乡居民低保对象共有4316.3万
1  我小时候学过古筝、钢琴,练过毛笔字,跳过舞,但都没能坚持下来。在成长这条路上,我就一直这样半途而废着,什么都会一点儿,但又什么都不精通。不过这并不是什么可怕的事情,我的父母一边嘴上批评我,一边默默支持我。在他们看来,只要我喜欢,多学习一些技能也不是坏事。  他们包容了我的半途而废,也容忍着我的“三分钟热度”。当然我想说的是:正是在这一个个“三分钟热度”中,我找到了自己真正热爱的事情。  上一