Comparison of the Δ~(12) fatty acid desaturase gene between high-oleic and normal-oleic peanut genot

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Δ12 fatty acid desaturase gene has been targeted as a logical candidate controlling the high oleate trait in peanut seeds.By RT-PCR method,the full-length cDNAs of Δ12 fatty acid desaturase gene were isolated from peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes with normal and high ratio of oleic to linoleic acid,which were designated AhFAD2B and AhFAD2B’,respectively.Sequence alignment of their coding regions revealed that an extra A was inserted at the position +442 bp of AhFAD2B’ sequence of high oleic acid genotypes,which resulted in the shift of open reading frame and a truncated protein AhFAD2B’,with the loss of one histidine box involved in metal ion complex required for the reduction of oxygen.Analysis of transcript level showed that the expression of Δ12 fatty acid desaturase gene in high oleic acid genotype was slightly lower than that in normal genotype.The enzyme activity experiment of yeast(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cell transformed with AhFAD2B or AhFAD2B’ proved that only AhFAD2B gene product showed significant Δ12 fatty acid desaturase activity,but AhFAD2B’ gene product did not.These results suggested that the change of AhFAD2B’ gene sequence resulted in lower activity or deactivation of Δ12 fatty acid desaturase in high oleic acid genotype. Δ12 fatty acid desaturase gene has been targeted as a logical candidate controlling the high oleate trait in peanut seeds. By RT-PCR method, the full-length cDNAs of Δ12 fatty acid desaturase gene were isolated from peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes with normal and high ratio of oleic to linoleic acid, which were designated AhFAD2B and AhFAD2B ’, respectively. Sequence alignment of their coding regions revealed that an extra A was inserted at the position +442 bp of AhFAD2B’ sequence of high oleic acid genotypes, which resulted in the shift of open reading frame and a truncated protein AhFAD2B ’, with the loss of one histidine box involved in metal ion complex required for the reduction of oxygen. Analysis of transcript level showed that the expression of Δ12 fatty acid desaturase gene in high oleic acid genotype was slightly lower than that in normal genotype. The enzyme activity experiment of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cell transformed with AhFAD2B or AhFAD2B ’proved that only AhFAD 2B gene product showed significant Δ12 fatty acid desaturase activity, but AhFAD2B ’gene product did not. These results suggested that the change of AhFAD2B’ gene sequence resulted in lower activity or deactivation of Δ12 fatty acid desaturase in high oleic acid genotype.
摘 要:地域发展不均衡促使贫困地区农民工转移就业现象趋于严重,针对农民工职业素养欠缺,技术工种无法胜任的现实情况,为科学提升其职业素养,保证国家扶贫开发深化落实,解决城乡矛盾,促进城乡一体化科学建设,认知贫困地区农民工培训转移及就业安置工作意义重大。对此,本文立足于了解农民工劳动力发展现状,分析农村职校职业技能培训中存在的问题,从而科学拟定优化策略,保障贫困地区农民工培训专业就业科学安置。  关键
香椿嫩芽香气浓郁、脆嫩多汁、营养丰富,既可鲜食,又可加工成腌制香椿和脱水香椿等,深受消费者欢迎。从树上和枝条上采摘的香椿嫩芽一般称为树芽香椿,栽培树芽香椿是一项见效快、效益好、很有发展前途的致富项目,值得一试。  一、品种选择  一般的香椿品种在设施内均可生长良好,因此栽培时对品种要求不是很严格,只要株形紧凑、适宜密植、口感好、产量高即可。目前常用品种有红香椿、黑油椿等。  二、培育壮苗  1.
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