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  An Introduction to Four famous paintings
  Mona Lisa
  Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
  Estimated date: 1503 to 1519
  Where to see it: Louvre Museum(Paris)
  It should come as no surprise that a mysterious woman with a mysterious smile. Before the 20th century, Mona Lisa was little known outside art circles. But in 1911, an ex-Louvre employee stole the painting and hid it for two years. That helped strengthen the painting’s place in popular culture ever since.
  Las Meninas
  Artist: Diego Velázquez
  Date: 1656
  Where to see it: Museo del Prado(Madrid, Spain)
  The complexity of the work has attracted art critics and the public for centuries. The painting serves as a group portrait(画像)of Spanish royalty, but it’s also a self-portrait of Velázquez himself at work.
  Las Meninas was appointed by King Philip IV of Spain, who ruled from 1621 to 1665.
  Girl with a Pearl Earring
  Artist: Johannes Vermeer
  Estimated date: 1665
  Where to see it: Mauritshuis(The Hague, Netherlands)
  The girl—wearing a blue and gold turban(头巾)and an oversized pearl(珍珠)earring—is the entire focus with only a dark backdrop behind her.
  It has gone on tour in the United States, Italy and Japan. It drew huge crowds, further supporting its status as one of the world’s most famous works of art.
  The Starry Night
  Artist: Vincent van Gogh
  Date: 1889
  Where to see it: Museum of Modern Art(New York City)
  The painting’s striking blues and yellows and the dreamy atmosphere have attracted art lovers for decades. Van Gogh was being treated for mental illness in a hospital in Saint-Rémy, France, when he painted The Starry Night. He was inspired by the view from the window of his room.
  1. Which painting is the artist’s self-description?
  A. Mona Lisa.                         B. Las Meninas.
  C. Girl with a Pearl Earring.        D. The Starry Night.
  2. Where can you see Johannes Vermeer’s work?
  A. Louvre Museum. B. Museo del Prado.
  C. Mauritshuis. D. Museum of Modern Art.
  3. What was The Starry Night based on?
  A. Sights from the sickroom.
  B. A woman’act of stealing.
  C. The life of a royal family.
  D. The experience of being ill.
  B   Some parents may have had trouble getting their kids away from electronics and outside this summer. But for the Suttons, this wasn’t the case.
  Josh and Cassie Sutton recently completed a full-length hike of the Appalachian Trail with their son, Harvey. At just 5 years old, Harvey is one of the youngest people known to have completed the roughly 2,100-mile trail that stretches across 14 states. The Suttons covered the hike from Georgia to Maine in 209 days. Their journey began when Harvey was just 4 years old. He turned 5 before the family completed the hike last week in Maine.
  As a family, the Suttons became used to life on the trail. They woke up every day just before 6 a.m. to pack their sleeping bags, tents and tools to begin hiking all day. Harvey’s dad, Josh Sutton, said,“When Harvey was 2 years old, they began training him for hiking by going on mini walks. They slowly increased their mileage day by day — eventually preparing him for his big adventure.”
  “I think a lot of people are surprised at how well he did. They’re like,‘How did you get your 5-year-old to do that because my 5-year-old won’t even walk half a mile without complaining?’”mom Cassie Sutton said.“Everyone is pretty amazed.”
  The Suttons said that while the adventure of the 2,100-mile hike was fun as a family, it did have its challenges — especially when it came to keeping Harvey entertained.“As long as we’re playing make-believe and pretend with him all day long, then he moves quickly and hikes faster than a lot of us imagine,”Josh Sutton said.
  While the Suttons have plans for more hikes and family adventures ahead, the family is getting adjusted to life at home again as Harvey begins his latest adventure: kindergarten.“Hopefully after going hiking for 10 hours a day to sitting in the classroom, he’ll do OK,”Josh Sutton said.
  4. What do we know about Harvey?
  A. He never likes to play electronic products.
  B. He is the youngest to travel across 14 states.
  C. He went through many difficulties in the trip.
  D. He spent about 7 months finishing his hiking.
  5. What does the underlined word“mileage”in Paragraph 3 mean?
  A. Limit.                  B. Distance.
  C. Ability.                D. Knowledge.
  6. Which of the following is the Suttons’challenge in the hiking?
  A. Making Harvey excited.   B. Keeping people shocked.
  C. Pretending to move fastest.
  D. Stop Harvey complaining.
  7. What is Harvey’s newest“hike”?
  A. Practising sitting for 10 hours a day.
  B. Returning to his normal life as usual.
  C. Getting used to school life and study.
  D. Acting as quickly in life as in hiking.
  According to a new study, human activities have caused the extinction of at least 469 species of birds over the past 50,000 years, including more than two-thirds of all flightless birds.
  The researchers examined the scientific literature referring to all species of birds that have become extinct in the last 50,000 years. They noticed a number of clear patterns that strongly suggest our ancestors were the main driving force. Notably, 90 percent of all extinct birds lived on islands and disappeared shortly after the arrival of humans. This seems pretty logical, as birds and their eggs would have been preyed on by people.
  The researchers also found 116 examples of flightless birds that have become extinct within this timeframe. Given there are only 54 species of flightless birds alive today, this figure represents a huge proportion of all grounded species of birds to have existed over the past 50,000 years. Naturally, flightless birds make easier prey than those that can take to the skies, so it makes sense that they would have decreased once humans entered their habitats(棲息地). In New Zealand, for instance, 11 different species of flightless moa(恐鸟)became extinct within a few centuries of man’s arrival.
  Additional analysis showed the average body mass of all extinct bird species was around seven times greater than that of existing birds. This finding means larger birds were more likely to be hunted by humans, in line with previous studies which have indicated larger animals tend to be the first to become extinct once people arrive.
  “Altogether we were able to list 469 species of birds that became extinct over the last 50,000 years, but we believe that the real number is much higher,”said study author Professor Shai Meiri. He explained this was because“many fossilized birds were found that are not yet fully described.”
  In addition to presenting the disastrous impact that humans have had on other animals, the study also strengthen our understanding of birds that existed in the past. For instance, in the past, many more species of birds were large or even gigantic, while flightlessness, a rare characteristic today, was much more common.   8. How did the researchers conclude humans are mainly responsible for the extinct birds?
  A. By analyzing statistics.
  B. By making assumptions.
  C. By reading scientific works.
  D. By studying the birds’ habitats.
  9. What do we know about the extinct birds living on islands?
  A. Their food was poisoned by humans.
  B. They and their eggs were eaten by humans.
  C. Most of them gradually lost the ability to fly.
  D. They are in the majority of the extinct birds.
  10. What does the new study have in common with past studies?
  A. Newly-found fossilized birds were described in time.
  B. The accurate number of extinct birds is thought higher.
  C. They were performed by the same team of researchers.
  D. Heavy animals are usually considered to die out early.
  11. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
  A. To clarify the significance of the study.
  B. To point out the drawbacks of the study.
  C. To encourage researchers to further the study.
  D. To compare birds in the past with those at present.
  There’s one language that everybody understands no matter what tongue they speak: music. While we may not understand the words of foreign songs, we all share the same emotions(情感)when we hear them.
  Before we can understand music as a language, we must understand emotion. In a study Paul Ekman showed photographs to people from 20 western cultures and 11 isolated(孤立的)groups in Africa. The results showed that 92 percent of African people and 96 percent of western culture people could identify happy faces. Ekman also looked at how blind children react to certain situations compared to sighted children. He found the blind children still showed the same expressions to the same emotions as sighted children did, even though they hadn’t observed other facial expressions. So we know that basic emotions are consistent across the world.
  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said,“Music is the universal language of all mankind.”David Ludden points out that one reason is that the same parts that make up music—sound, rhythm, and pace—are also present in everyday speech no matter what language you’re speaking. For example, you can watch a foreign movie, and although you may not understand exactly what the situation is about, you can tell how the people are feeling. At least, you can understand whether the situation is a happy or sad one.   Ludden suggests that this is because we understand sound, rhythm, and pace of speech because the same patterns are present in our own language and across all spoken languages. With these patterns present in spoken language, we can interpret emotions from music using the same clues.
  While we may not be able to understand exactly what people are saying across different languages, humans have evolved to share and express the same basic emotions in similar ways. This allows us to understand each other’s facial expressions. In any situation, we can interpret emotions based on sound, rhythm, and pace. Because of these shared characteristics across all cultures, music is one thing we can all understand, making it the universal language of mankind. Try this out in your classroom by playing songs in other languages and inspire your students to tell you what emotion they feel when hearing those songs.
  12. What is the purpose of Paul Ekman’s study?
  A. To stress facial expressions reflect one’emotions.
  B. To prove certain emotions are shared in the world.
  C. To tell the blind children are as clever as the sighted.
  D. To show positive emotions are easier to recognize.
  13. Why music is a universal language according to David Ludden?
  A. Music widely exists in different languages.
  B. Music is seen as informative as language.
  C. Music and language have the same components.
  D. Music patterns are fixed across languages.
  14. What makes it possible for us to understand others’facial expressions?
  A. The principles of reading emotions.
  B. The potential of making predictions.
  C. The basic knowledge of psychology.
  D. The same ways of showing emotions.
  15. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
  A. The importance of emotions to admire music.
  B. The similarities between music and language.
  C. How we can understand emotions from music.
  D. Why music is regarded as a universal language.
  1. B 细节信息题。由Las Meninas中第一段“... but it’s also a self-portrait of Velázquez himself at work.”可知,B项正确。
  2. C 细节信息题。由Girl with a Pearl Earring中“Where to see it: Mauritshuis(The Hague, Netherlands)”可知,C项正确。
  3. A细节信息题。由The Starry Night中最后一句“He was inspired by the view from the window of his room.”可知,The Starry Night是以作者在住院期间透过病房窗户看到的风景为创作灵感的。故选A项。
  (B篇)本文是记叙文。Harvey从2岁的时候就开始接受远足训练,到5岁的时候,和父母一起完成了阿巴拉契亚山系的远足。   4. D 细节信息题。由第二段第三句“The Suttons covered the hike from Georgia to Maine in 209 days.”可知,D项正确。
  5. B 词义猜测题。结合前后语境可知,mileage的意思应是“行程、距离”,故选B项。A. Limit意为“限制”,C. Ability意為“能力”,D. Knowledge意为“知识”。
  6. A 细节信息题。由倒数第二段第二句“it did have its challenges — especially when it came to keeping Harvey entertained.”可知,A项正确。
  7. C 细节信息题。由最后一段的“as Harvey begins his latest adventure: kindergarten.“Hopefully after going hiking for 10 hours a day to sitting in the classroom, he’ll do OK,”可知,Harvey最新的冒险是在幼儿园坐得住、学得进。故选C项。
  8. C 细节信息题。由第二段第一句“The researchers examined the scientific literature referring to all species of birds that have become extinct in the last 50,000 years.”可知,研究人员是通过阅读有关灭绝鸟类的科学作品,推断出人类是主要的罪魁祸首,故选C项。
  9. B 推理判断题。由第二段最后一句“This seems pretty logical, as birds and their eggs would have been preyed on by people.”可知,鸟类和鸟蛋被人类捕食了,故选B项。
  10. D 细节信息题。由第四段最后一句“in line with previous studies which have indicated larger animals tend to be the first to become extinct once people arrive”可知,这次研究和以前研究的共同之处是,都发现了体型大的动物最先灭绝,故选D项。
  11. A 写作目的题。最后一段主要是综述这次研究的意义,故选A项。
  12. B 实验目的题。由第一段尾句和第二段尾句可知研究是为了说明世界上一些基本的表情是相同的,故选B项。
  13. C 细节信息题。由第三段第二句“David Ludden points out that one reason is that the same parts that make up music—sound, rhythm, and pace—are also present in everyday speech no matter what language you’re speaking.”可知,David Ludden认为音乐是一种通用语言的一个原因就是,构成音乐的音调、韵律和节奏也同样存在于日常言语中,故选C项。
  14. D 细节信息题。由最后一段第一句“... humans have evolved to share and express the same basic emotions in similar ways.”可知,人类有相同的表情,而且表达方式也相似,这就使得我们能够理解他人的面部表情,故选D项。
  15. D 主旨大意题。这是一篇议论文,论证了音乐是一种通用语言,故选D项。
  责任编辑 蒋小青
本文以课程思政理念融入高职羽毛球课程为研究对象,运用文献资料法、专家访谈法等,初步探究课程思政理念融入体育高职高专羽毛球课程的路径,引导并培育学生具有专业技术教学与训练及赛事与场地管理能力,成长为具有良好的职业道德和创业精神的应用型高素质技术技能人才。  一、课程思政融入高职羽毛球课程的背景  课程思政是高校在新时代背景下,构建全员育人的“大思政”格局最新要求。课程思政指以构建全员、全程、全课程育
一、引言   随着市场经济的不断向前发展,教育市场化进程不可逆转,作为适应市场化需要的重要因素,就业状况早已被列为衡量高校人才培养质量及社会认可度的关键指标。特别是艺术类高职院校,就业状况对于人才培养具有重要的导向作用,就业率直接影响下一年度的招生计划和专业调整,简言之,就业状况与艺术类高职院校的核心竞争力密不可分。为了更好地做好艺术类高职院校毕业生的就业工作,促进艺术类高职院校平稳较快发展,持