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一、学生思想品德的基本情况上期我校教师已开始重视学生的思想教育工作,并收到一定的效果。但因当时对小学教育的方针认识模糊,对校会、班会的召开没有明确的目的和计划,只是比较集中地对六年级进行劳动教育,忽视了其他思想教育,而在劳动教育方面,对其普遍性和经常性也认识不足。因而儿童思想上、言行上还存在不少缺点:三年级以下的学生,自觉纪律差,打骂现象时常发生,学习积极性不高,迟到、旷课现象时有发生,作业不认真;四年级以上学生,学习与课堂纪律虽较好,但劳动观念差,片面的升学思想严重,有的不愿帮助家庭劳动。对于统购统销的意义认识模糊,对上半年棉布票打折家里不能为他们多缝新衣有意见。有的对农业合作化的优越性缺乏正确的认识,有些富农子弟因受家庭影响心中暗存不满。 First, the basic situation of students’ moral character The teachers of our school have begun to attach importance to the students’ ideological education work and have received certain results. However, due to the vague understanding of the principles of primary school education at the time, there was no clear purpose and plan for the convening of the school and the class meeting, but the labor education in the sixth grade was rather concentrated, and other ideological education was neglected. In terms of labor education, Universality and regularity also lack awareness. Therefore, there are still many shortcomings in children’s ideology, words and deeds: students under the third grade, consciously disciplined, snoring often occurs, learning enthusiasm is not high, late, absent from school classes, homework is not serious; fourth grade or above students Although learning and class discipline are better, but the concept of work is poor, one-sided thinking of studying further is serious, and some do not want to help the family work. The understanding of the meaning of unified purchase and sales is ambiguous, and there is no opinion on the fact that discounting cotton tickets in the first half of the year will not allow them to sew new clothes. Some lack the correct understanding of the superiority of agricultural co-operation. Some rich peasants’ hearts are unhappy because they are affected by the family.
地处昌平与海淀交界,紧邻京藏高速,一家以电力行业为特色的国家级大学科技园深耕多年,今年彷如一匹黑马,依靠中关村国家自主创新示范区和昌平园的支持,在高校科技园创业创新领域一路领先,超越了很多“老牌劲旅”。它就是华北电力大学国家大学科技园。  经过近一年的改革发展,新的管理团队通过不断探索和创新园区管理和服务,终于不负众望,各项指标从无到有,由弱变强,开启了华电科技园的二次创业之旅。  自2013年3
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省教育厅在召开中、初等学校优秀教师代表会議的同时,为了进一步交流教师們的教学經驗,举办了中、初等学校教学成績展览会. 展出品共四千余件,包括学校行政領导工作、班主任