The Research of Mud Influence on Properties of Concrete

来源 :The 10th International Symposium on High Performance Concret | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuzheyun314
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  The same amount of mixture ratio of cement, replacing a part of fly ash with a certain amount of mud to research about the workability of fresh concrete and the effect of the mechanical and shrinkage properties of hardened concrete.Tests results show: The different kinds of mud lead that the fluidity of the fresh concrete and the strength of hardened concrete are different.The influence of sand mud is lighter than planting mud on the fluidity and strength of concrete.The compressive strength of concrete decreases and the early shrinkage increase with an increase of mud replaced the fly ash.
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  In this paper, the influence of water cement ratio, prewetting degree of lightweight aggregate, flyash content and air content on the internal relative humi
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  At the Magnel Laboratory for Concrete Research an intensive vacuum mixer which can regulate the air pressure is available.As such the amount of entrapped ai
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