Analysis of perioperative outcome and complications following radical cystectomy: a single center re

来源 :华夏医学论坛·泌尿生殖2015暨亚太性医学年会2015 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zsj520yxq
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  Objective: Radical cystectomy remains the preferred treatment option for patients with advanced,localised urothelial bladder cancer,which is still a challenging procedure associated with longer operative time,more perioperative complications,longer lengths of stay and slower recovery.This retrospective study analyzed the clinical characteristics and perioperative complications of the patients with radical cystectomy in 20 years.Methods: A retrospective study reviewed 1,212 patients who received radical cystectomy from January 1995 to December 2014 in Urological Department,Peking University First Hospital.We divided the patients into three groups by the time when they received the surgery(group A from January 1995 to December 2004,group B from January 2005 to December 2009,and group C from January 2010 to December 2014)and compared the perioperative outcome and complications among the three groups.Results: There are 227 patients for group A,368 for group B and 617 for group C.For clinical features of the different groups,the age was 61.73±12.886,63.79±11.414,and 65.25±11.22 years for each group(P<0.001).The body mass index(BMI)was 18.58±5.439,23.74±3.791,24.08±5.65 kg/m2 for each group(P<0.001).There were no statistically significant differences in gender,underlying disease,history of surgery,or American Society of Anesthesiologists(ASA)scores.For operative and perioperative features,There were statistically significant differences in operation time(401.8±99.39,371.5±95.41,306.4±100.49 min,P<0.001),estimated blood loss(1,608.4±1,127.05,1,645.1±2,083.38,690±813.87 mL,P<0.001),blood transfusion rate(P=0.001),open or laparoscopic surgery(P<0.001),different urinary diversion reconstruction methods(P<0.001)and length of stay(44.1±21.16,31.71±18.76,19.9±14.86 day,P<0.001).However,there was no statistically significant difference in pathological features or postoperative complications among the three groups.Conclusions: For patients received radical cystectomy,the age and BMI were increased with the passage of time,with shorter operative time,reduced the amount of bleeding and the rate of allogeneic transfusion.Also,more patients received laparoscopic surgery and the length of hospital stay was shorter.However,pathological features or postoperative complications seems not to change along with time.
在太行山区长大的我对童年有一种特殊的情愫,追忆和品味童年是我生活的一种乐趣。在创作中,我最喜欢表现的是那些残断的、模糊的记忆景象,但更多的是表现即将失落的性灵,它们星星点点,在有意和无意中形成我创作生涯中取之不尽的灵感源泉。  无论是工作还是休息,我的脑海中始终存有这条看不见摸不着的“童年的记忆”,它们往往让我在创作中一触即发,不假思索地做出反应,像被闸断的水渠,能憋出湍急的激流,像被剪断的树枝反
  Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of pure laparoscopic radical nephrectomy and thrombectomy for renal tumor patients with venous tumor throm
摘要:“學校教育要树立健康第指导思想,切实加强体育工作。”体育教师特别是体育教师的传帮带工作就尤为重要,本文通过在作者在“障碍跑”教学中对年轻教师的指导,谈谈自己的一些做法。  关键词: 小学体育;急性跳远;得与失  《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》指出:“"健康体魄是青少年为祖国和人民服务的基本前提,是中华民族旺盛生命力的体现。学校教育要树立健康第指导思想,切实加强体育工