A postcolonial Perspective on the Evolution of national identity in the novels of Margaret Atwood

来源 :华中师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RockyZhang111
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The question of national identity is one of the most contradictory ones in postcolonial era and postcolonial literature.It can be considered the most important issue due to the existence of the identity crisis in all postcolonial communities.
  The process of decolonization of the countries subjected to colonial rule triggered a remarkable movement towards restoration of the national identities of the newly freed people.Canada wasnt an exception.This phenomenon is explored in most of Margaret Atwoods novels,yet it has never so far become the subject of a full-scale analysis throughout the authors entire fictional output.
  This study examines the process of Canadian national identitys evolution and transformation,reflected in the novels of M.Atwood,through the prism of postcolonial critical theory.The primary material consists of seven novels:The Edible Woman(1969),Surfacing(1972),Lady Oracle(1976),Life Before Man(1979),Cats Eye(1988),The Robber Bride(1993)and The Blind Assassin(2000).
  Grounding arguments in the works of theorists in the sphere of national identity including Benedict Andersons study on national identitys construction,Northrop Fryes study on Canadian identity crisis,Edward Saids Orientalism,H.Bhabhas research on the production of discriminatory identities the researcher attempts to conduct a deeper analysis of M.Atwoods views on the problem of national identitys acquisition by Canadians.
  This thesiss methodological basis lies in postcolonial literary criticism and new historical literary criticism.Both of these approaches are necessary in order to reach an adequate understanding of the authors philosophical and ideological position,that is,the influence of the question of the national identitys recreation in a postcolonial society on Atwoods literary works.The study also examines the reverse process,i.e.the influence of M.Atwoods novels on the process of strengthening the national identity of the Canadian society.
  The thesis is divided into six chapters.ChapterⅠprovides the theoretical framework which will serve as the foundation for the analysis of the selected Margaret Atwoods novels.It gives a brief sketch of Margaret Atwoods view on the question.Notions detailing national identitys construction are discussed.National identity issues are also addressed within the frame of the Postcolonial school of criticism.
  ChaptersⅡ,ⅢandⅣanalyze the process of national identity transformation in Atwoods novels within the context of Canadas postcolonial history and its former colonial status.ChapterⅡanalyses the effects British colonization imprinted on the Canadian national identity.Canadian people experienced an Identity Crisis and were trying to reconstruct their national identity.ChapterⅢanalyses the way in which the Canadian Identity Construction was influenced by the American Cultural Colonization.The minds of the Canadians started to be occupied by the ideas of nationalism as a result of the clash of cultural values.People managed to gain self-awareness while comparing themselves to the opposing American culture.ChapterⅣexamines how the IIpolicy of Multiculturalism reshaped the Identity of Canadian people.Two types of identity alternations were discovered.That is Hybrid identity and Fragmented identity.
  ChapterⅤexamines the tendency of the Canadian identity changes and conditions needed to be observed in order to fully regain ones national identity.The features comprising the unique personality of Canadians are discussed as well.That includes an emotional attachment to the northern land,awe of nature and respect for peace and order.
  The conclusion retrieves the key issues that were debated bringing them to an ending and links the specific characteristics of the Canadian identity in attempt to make a complete picture of the Canadian national identity in its current state.
语言是人类社会的产物,而称谓语是语言中不可或缺的一部分,不仅可以反映交际双方的角色身份、社会地位和亲疏程度的差异,而且在某种意义上可以表达说话者的态度和思想感情,这些都具有一定的人际语用价值。  同其他语言现象一样,称谓语具有很强的时代性和社会性,随着时代的发展、社会的更替,称谓语也在不断繁衍变化。《白鹿原》和《笨花》作为当代的两部长篇知名小说,其一,在创作背景上两部作品所描写的时代大致处于同时期
认知隐喻学是一门基于民族文化、生活和身体体验,从某一概念域映射到另一概念域的认知科学。隐喻无处不在,是我们基于生活经验形成并且在平时生活中大量使用。人类的认知总是由远到近、由浅而深、由具体到抽象、由已知到未知的发展规律,隐喻可以帮助人类用比较熟悉的、具体的、易于理解的事物去理解相对陌生的、抽象的、无条理的和难以理解的事物,隐喻是人类理解抽象概念和进行抽象思维的主要机制。  本文以当代作家贾平凹先生
《说文解字》是中国古代语言学史上一部鸿篇巨作,它“集周秦汉文字训诂之大成”,对后世的文字学、音韵学、训诂学产生了深远的影响。全书所收录的各地方词汇,为复原许慎所处东汉时期的汉语面貌提供了极为宝贵的文字材料。  本文以《说文》中的秦方言词为研究对象,运用分类、比较等研究方法,对绪论、《说文》所收秦方言词、秦方言词类型与来源、秦方言词音义分析和秦方言词与现代汉语方言词的比较等五部分进行细致梳理与分析,
中国古代祭祀建筑词汇作为建筑词汇的一个独立的分支,不管是在建造过程、建筑形态,还是祭祀活动等方面,都有着重要的价值和存在意义。本文从文化语言学视角对中国古代祭祀建筑词汇进行研究,探讨其词汇结构、词义分布及其文化内蕴。文章分为五部分。  第一部分:绪论。主要从选题缘由、选题意义及其价值、研究现状、研究方法和创新之处五个方面进行阐述。  第二部分:中国古代祭祀建筑概述。这部分主要概述祭祀建筑的起源和发