In situ cryogenic Raman spectroscopic studies on the synthetic fluid inclusions in the systems H_2O

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bvf
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Salt-hydrates have diagnostic cryogenic Raman spectra, which can reflect the composition of the parent solutions. As analogue to the natural fluid inclusions, the synthetic inclusions can be used to validate numerous assumptions related to fluid inclu- sion research. They can also be used to test the feasibility of application of laser Raman spectroscopy to individual fluid inclusion analysis. Using the tech- nique proposed by Sterner and Bodnar(1984), syn- thetic inclusions of the systems H2O and NaCl-H2O (with NaCl as 5.12 wt%, 9.06 wt%, 16.6 wt% and 25 wt%) were formed under the pressures from 50Mpa to 100Mpa and at the temperatures from 500℃ to 600℃. In situ cryogenic Raman spectra were col- lected at about –180℃ by combined use of freezing- heating stage and Laser Raman Microscopy. It is shown that hydrohalite (NaCl?2H2O), the salt-hydrate of NaCl in the fluid inclusions has the specific Raman spectrum and can be used as the standard to verify the existence of NaCl in the aqueous inclusions. The crystalline ice other than amorphous ice (glasses) formed from the aqueous phase whthin the synthetic inclusions during the initial freezing, but hydrohalite did not form. Subsequent warming of these inclusions induced a phase change, typically between ap- proximately –40 and –22℃, that represents the hy- drohalite crystallization event but not a eutectic melting event. So, for fluid inclusions in the system NaCl-H2O, interpretation of phase behavior below the eutectic temperature (–20.8℃) should be made with caution. The ratios of the relative intensity and the area of Raman spectra between 3423 cm–1 peak of hydrohalite and 3098 cm–1 peak of ice show positivecorrelations to the salinities in aqueous inclusions, which can be used to determine the salinity of NaCl- H2O system inclusions. As analogue to the natural fluid inclusions, the synthetic inclusions can be used to validate numerous assumptions related to fluid inclu- sion research. They can also be used to test the feasibility of application of laser Raman spectroscopy to individual fluid inclusion analysis. Using the tech-nique proposed by Sterner and Bodnar (1984), syn- thetic inclusions of the systems H2O and NaCl-H2O (with NaCl as 5.12 wt% 9.06 wt%, 16.6 wt% and 25 wt%) were formed under pressures from 50 MPa to 100 MPa and at temperatures from 500 ° C. to 600 ° C. In situ cryogenic Raman spectra were col- lected at about -180 ° C. by combined use of freezing-heating stage and Laser Raman Microscopy. It is shown that hydrohalite (NaCl · 2H2O), the salt-hydrate of NaCl in the fluid inclusions has the specific Raman spectrum and can be used as the standard to verify the existence of NaCl in theaqueous inclusions. The crystalline ice other than amorphous ice (glasses) formed from the aqueous phase whthin the synthetic inclusions during the initial freezing, but hydrohalite did not form. Subsequent warming of these inclusions induced a phase change, typically between ap- proximately -40 and -22 ° C, that represents the hy drohalite crystallization event but not a eutectic melting event. So, for fluid inclusions in the system NaCl-H2O, interpretation of phase behavior below the eutectic temperature (-20.8 ° C) should be made with caution . The ratios of the relative intensity and the area of ​​Raman spectra between 3423 cm-1 peak of hydrohalite and 3098 cm-1 peak of ice show positivecorrelations to the salinities in aqueous inclusions, which can be used to determine the salinity of NaCl-H2O system inclusions.
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