中国中学的班额普遍偏大,大班额减缓学生课堂视觉搜索,从而降低教学效果。班额大小与教室空间界限有密切的关联,为减小班额并加快学生视觉搜索,有必要科学制定教室空间界限。请中学生参与实验,要求其发现目标按“Yes”键,否则按“No”键。结果发现:除第一排以外,前排边座和最后一排中间位置均与教室中间位置在反应时间上存在显著性差异,逐步增大前排边座学生与黑板远端形成的水平视角,直到33°时,差异刚好不显著;逐步前移最后一排,直到距黑板7309.5 mm时,差异也刚好不显著。因此,前排边座学生与黑板远端形成的水平视角不应小于33°;教室最后一排课桌后沿与黑板水平距离不宜大于7309.5 mm;黑板上字的高度和宽度不小于0.39°×0.42°。此时,中学班额不超过24人。
The classes in Chinese middle schools are generally large, and large classes reduce the visual search of students’ classrooms, thus reducing the teaching effectiveness. Class size and classroom space boundaries are closely linked, in order to reduce the class and speed up student visual search, it is necessary to scientifically develop classroom space boundaries. Invite high school students to participate in the experiment, asking them to find the target press “Yes ” key, otherwise press “No ” key. The results showed that except for the first row, there was a significant difference in the reaction time between the front edge seat and the middle position of the last row with the middle position of the classroom, and gradually increased the horizontal viewing angle formed by the front edge seat students and the blackboard distal end, The difference was just insignificant up to 33 °; the last row was gradually moved forward until the difference was just insignificant at 7309.5 mm from the blackboard. Therefore, the front row of students and the blackboard at the far side of the formation of the horizontal angle of view should not be less than 33 °; the last row of classroom desks and blackboard horizontal distance should not be greater than 7309.5 mm; the height and width of the word on the blackboard is not less than 0.39 ° × 0.42 °. At this point, no more than 24 secondary classes.