周恩来总理在世时,关心中国电影事业的热情,诸多老电影明星们铭记在心。 不久前,笔者在深圳采访新中国“二十二大电影明星”之一的金迪时,已经年过花甲却仍然精神矍铄的她,十分激动地回忆起她当年与周总理的几次交往。这些珍贵的经历,她以前很少向外界披露过。 金迪第一次见周总理是1956年。那时她从上海考到东北艺术剧院,是21岁的年轻话剧演员。在话剧《伏契克》中为李默然配女主角小有名气之后,又在曹禺的《日出》一剧中扮演“小东西”开始走红。此剧在北京参加汇演.每天3场,场场爆满。那年6月的一个晚
When Premier Zhou Enlai was alive, he was passionate about the cause of Chinese film industry and many old movie stars were mindful of it. Not long ago, when I interviewed Jindy, one of the “Twenty-two Major Movie Star” stars in Shenzhen, she was over-aged and still spiritless. She was very excited to recall her contacts with Premier Zhou that year. These precious experiences, which she rarely disclosed before. Kingdi first met with Premier Zhou in 1956. At that time she was from Shanghai to the Northeast Art Theater, is a 21-year-old young drama actress. In the drama “Fu Chick” for Li Moran with the actress little famous, but also in Cao Yu’s “Sunrise” play “little things” became popular. The show in Beijing to participate in. 3 games a day, the stadium full. One night in June of that year