
来源 :今日民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rossifish
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全面建设小康社会的重点和难点在农村、在民族地区,这已成为社会的普遍共识。没有民族地区的小康,就没有全国的小康。因而,采取特殊措施加快民族地区的脱贫发展步伐,具有重大的现实意义。目前,我国56个民族中,人口数量在10万以下的民族有20个,总人数约43万(按2000年第5次全国人口普查统计)。这些民族由于人口数量相对较少,一般称其为人口较少民族。在云南,世居的特有的人口较少民族有布朗、普米、阿昌、怒、基诺、德昂、独龙七个民族,总人数大约22郾6万,占全国人口较少民族总数的52郾5%。新中国成立以来,在党和政府的关怀帮助下,人口较少民族的生产与生活水平与其他民族一样,有了很大的提高,经济和社会面貌发生了巨大变化。但这些民族大多居住在山区、边境地区,这些地方交通不便,文化教育落后,基础设施十分薄弱,存在着许多制约经济和社会发展的不利因素,因此,比起一些人口较多的民族来说,他们发展中遇到的困难要多一些,问题要特殊一些,十分需要国家给予特殊的关注。云南省委、省政府历来重视关心少数民族和民族地区的发展,根据党中央和国务院的有关指示精神,近年来把人口较少民族的发展问题列入重要议事日程,实行分类指导,采取特殊措施进行帮助,并要求在“十五”期间让这些民族和地区的面貌发生较大改变 The key and difficult task in building an overall well-to-do society is in the rural areas and in minority areas. This has become the common consensus of the community. Without well-to-do areas in ethnic areas, there is no well-to-do society across the country. Therefore, it is of great realistic significance to take special measures to speed up the pace of poverty alleviation in ethnic areas. At present, out of the 56 ethnic groups in China, 20 have a population of 100,000 or less and the total number is about 430,000 (according to the 5th national census in 2000). Because of their relatively small population, these peoples are generally referred to as the less populous. In Yunnan, there are seven ethnic minorities such as Brown, Pumi, Achang, Nuo, Keno, Deang and Dulong, with a population of about 22 million to 60,000, accounting for 52% to 5% of the total number of the less populous ethnic groups in Yunnan. . Since the founding of New China, with the care and support of the party and the government, the production and living standards of the less populous ethnic groups have greatly improved as well as those of other ethnic groups. The economic and social outlook has undergone tremendous changes. However, most of these ethnic groups live in mountainous areas and border areas. These places have inconvenient transportation, backward cultural and educational facilities, and very weak infrastructure. There are many unfavorable factors restricting economic and social development. Therefore, compared with some ethnic groups with large populations, The difficulties they encountered in their development should be somewhat greater. The problems should be rather special and it demanded that the state pay special attention. In accordance with the directives of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government have always attached great importance to the development of ethnic minorities and ethnic regions. In recent years, they have included the issue of the development of the population with fewer ethnic minorities in the important agenda, implemented classified guidance and adopted special measures Help them and demand that the face of these ethnic groups and regions be greatly changed during the 10th Five-Year Plan
摘 要:探索有利于培养学生的创新意识和实践能力的课堂和活动模式,转变教师教学模式和学生学习方式,以活动促进发展,提高学生素质,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。  关键词:创新意识;实践能力;课堂与活动;模式  对于如何培养学生创新能力和实践能力已不是什么新论了,自从提倡新课程以来,很多教师都把目光转向了这点,这也成了我们当前教育的重点。可是很多观点都是从理想方面来谈的,而我们作为体音美学科却有着得天
摘 要:新时代的到来,我国的信息技术也有了更高的发展,现阶段很多小学教学中,关于信息技术的教学已经成为了一个重点内容,同时在教学过程中将任务驱动教学法融入其中,全面开启了一个崭新的教学模式。本文主要论述的是在小学信息技术教学中,任务驱动教学法的逐步应用,充分提高教学质量,提高小学信息技术的教学效率。关键词:信息技术;任务驱动;教学应用  最近几年教育教学的不断改革与完善,传统这是方法已经相对落后,