现年68岁的史轶蘩教授,1950年毕业于燕京大学生物系,获理学院金钥匙奖。1954年毕业于北京协和医学院医疗系,留院内科及内分泌科任内科住院医师及总住院医师。1961年中国的第一个内分泌科成立,她任主治医师,1981~1982年在美国国立卫生研究院进修二年,1983年任协和医院内分泌科主任,现为卫生部内分泌重点实验室、中国医学科学院内分泌研究中心主任及中华医学会内分泌学分会主任委员。1996年5月当选为中国工程院院士。 史轶蘩在40余年的临床医疗实践中,通过缜密的临床观察和分析研究,总结了内分泌疾病的发展
Professor Shi Yijie, 68, graduated from the Department of Biology, Yenching University in 1950, and received the Golden Key Award from the Academy of Sciences. 1954 graduated from Peking Union Medical College Medical Department, Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology Residency and Resident General Hospital. In 1961 China’s first Department of Endocrinology was established, she served as the chief physician, 1981-1982 years in the United States National Institutes of Health for two years, 1983 Renhe Hospital Endocrinology director, is now the Ministry of Health Endocrinology Laboratory, Chinese medicine Academy of Endocrinology Research Center and the Chinese Medical Association of Endocrinology Branch chairman. May 1996 was elected as the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Shi Yijie in more than 40 years of clinical practice, through careful clinical observation and analysis of research, summarized the development of endocrine disease