40岁的中学教员“张学友”在本应不惑的年纪却感到前所未 有的迷惑——昔日同窗聚会,一个个紧跟时代与时俱进财大气粗, 愈发显得他这个当年的高材生落魄寒酸。课堂上对学生的心不在 焉,使出浑身解数插科打诨却反遭讥笑。而当年引领自己走进文学 殿堂的老师重返香港,更是引发了整个家庭隐藏多年的危机…… 没有想到,这个正过着狼狈不堪生活的40岁男人,竟然完全没有
The 40-year-old middle school teacher Jacky Cheung has never felt confused at this age. But in the past, his classmates gathered, and one after another, keeping up with the times and advancing with the times, he became increasingly shabby. The students’ absent-mindedness in class and their dedication to doing all their work in the classroom were ridiculed. When the teacher who led himself into the literary palace returned to Hong Kong, it even triggered a crisis that the whole family had hidden for many years ...... Did not realize that this 40-year-old man, who is living a real embarrassment, did not even have